This past weekend we went to Salt Lake to attend a baby blessing for one of Jared's nieces. It was really nice to get out of town for a couple of days. The kids have looked forward to swimming in the hotel pool for the past week, so as soon as we checked in that is where we headed.

We haven't swam since last summer so we didn't know what to expect with the kids. Ashten was a little nervous about the water. Even with her little floaties on she still didn't want to leave the steps.

Treyson on the other hand caused us a little bit of stress. He didn't have a single fear of the water. He kept jumping in whether anyone was ready for him or not. He also didn't want anyone to hold on to him. He felt secure enough with his floaties that he wanted to just chill by himself. I was a nervous wreck, worrying about him drowning. The kids were complete opposites in the water.

The room we stayed in had two beds and we just planned on having the kids sleep together, but at the last minute we were afraid that Treyson would fall off or they would wake up too many times in the night. Instead, Jared and I each slept with one. I joked later saying that instead of doing the things that usually occurred when we stayed in a hotel, now we don't even sleep in the same bed. We had a fun weekend, but are always ready to come home.