On Christmas Eve we get together with my family and have dinner and a fun gift exchange. This year we went to my sister's house in Gunlock. It was a lot of fun to spend the evening together and the kids had a blast. They are at the fun age where they all get so excited about everything, even new pajamas.

Santa was way too generous with us this year and the kids got a lot of fun things. Ashten told my mom later that day that she got everything she wanted and she wasn't even good. I guess we need to re-evaluate that threat for next year. The fun thing about having kids is that your focus shifts from being excited for what you get, to watching them and being excited for them.

Traxton got this cozy coupe car and he absolutely has loved it. Ashten and Treyson got these wiggle cars and they have also been a lot of fun. Jared and I rode them around the kitchen for almost an hour on Christmas Eve. :)

Jared got this air soft gun and it has brought back his inner child. Some of our neighbor kids have guns as well, so they have wars quite often. Its pretty fun to watch Jared take on the whole neighborhood.
My absolute favorite gift this year was one we gave to my mom. For as long as I can remember, she has said that she wanted a two-seater bike. A few years ago I looked at them around town, but I never wanted to spend the money to buy a new one. One of our seasonal neighbors has a hobby of fixing up old bikes, and Jared talked to him about bringing us one back from Colorado. It was the neatest thing for me to see her surprise when she saw the bike.

I love the Christmas season and all the fun activities that we find ourselves busy doing, and I always get a little depressed when it's all over. This year is no different. January just seems like a gloomy month with nothing really to look forward to. Thank goodness it is almost over.