It has been a family tradition since I was a little girl to go camping on or around Easter weekend. Because of different family members schedules, we went a couple of weeks early this year. My sister and her family were also not able to be there because of a funeral. Besides missing having them there, we all had a really good time. We spent the night at my grandpa's cabin on the Arizona Strip and on Saturday we went on like a five hour 4-wheeler ride. It was a little cold so everyone had to bundle up, but once the day went on it turned out to be great weather. Because the size of our family is bigger than what would comfortably fit on our 4-wheeler, the kids rotated around riding with grandma and grandpa and uncle Trumbull and aunt Dally. Thankfully they were okay with having extra bodies ride with them.

We stopped at this old cabin that was built in the 1940's for some of the sheep herders. Inside the cabin many of the original items were still there. We found newspaper articles and magazines from the 1950's. Along the concrete walls people had carved their names and dates of when they had visited the old cabin. It was really neat to see so many names carved into the walls.

We had lunch at the base of a bunch of boulders. Everyone loved climbing around the rocks. I couldn't believe how well my kids did with climbing. It actually made me a little nervous to have them so unafraid of the heights.

We spent most of the day riding on the 4-wheelers and the kids were such troopers. Even Traxton did great and took two naps on my shoulder. I am so grateful to have such fun family traditions that started when I was young and have continued on so that my kids can enjoy some of the same things I enjoyed as a kid. I am also so lucky to have Jared who enjoys these type of things and is willing to go along with some of these crazy adventures that my family comes up with