All the advertisements try their hardest to make you to think that Disneyland is the happiest place on earth. I wanted to know for sure, so this last weekend our family loaded up and headed to California to find out once and for all.
Getting packed and ready to go was all smiles for the kids. I guess even just the anticipation of seeing Mickey and the gang will make the young at heart beam with excitement. (Don't think they realize how long the drive is going to be)

The kids were doing all they could to contain their excitement as we entered the park and began to take in the surroundings.
Then it happened!!! We started riding the rides and seeing the stars and before we knew it everything was magical.

The kids even managed to enjoy themselves as we waited in the long lines. (why can't this happen at the grocery store?)

Inevitably; we did have a few tears and got a little tired, but we didn't give up on our quest to find the truth to the advertisement hype.

Is it truth or tale? I will whole heartily say TRUTH. Something about that place just makes everything wonderful. I think it must be the pixie dust spread around by Tinkerbell and her fairy friends.

Or maybe its being able to walk around with hearts and a fiery dragon painted on your face that makes everything seem magical.

I actually think the real reason for making Disneyland the happiest place on earth is that families are together and everyone feels carefree. I kinda wish I could bottle some of the magic and excitement up to bring home.

We also went to the beach and had an awesome day. Loved being able to let my kids roll around in the sand without any worries of it being tracked into my house.