As a mom I find myself longing for moments of quiet and rest. They are few and far between. Although, maybe because they don't happen very often I am able to appreciate those moments more when they do come. The other night when I came home from work I checked on my kids, just like I always do, and this is what I found.

Traxton was sound asleep half off the bed. He must have gotten out of bed to get a book, this is something that happens ALOT, and was just too tired to climb back in.
Seeing this brought me peace.
*Last night after a date with my wonderful husband I checked on our kids who were already in bed. (We have amazing babysitters) They all were asleep in Treyson's bed. I especially loved seeing Treyson and Traxton snuggled up together.

Traxton is such a little snuggler and I love that he would snuggle into his big brother.
Seeing this brought me peace.
*My kids have the best dad ever!!! Jared will spend hours playing with them on the living room floor until they are all completely worn out. One of the things they love to do with their dad is wrestle and play fight. It usually makes me crazy when they do this because everyone gets so wound up, and chances are, someone usually ends up crying before they're done. Something about playing with dad makes them put down whatever they are doing to join in. They love it.

My four favorite people loving each other.
Seeing this brought me peace.