I am a little behind in my blogging, but my baby turned three a couple of weeks ago. I know I shouldn't call him my baby anymore, since my older kids were not even the youngest child by his age, but I think he will always be my baby. It is crazy to think that he is already three. He has been through so much in his little life and he has made so much improvement that I am amazed everyday. During the first part of June I took him up north to do more hearing tests and he did so well. He was hearing at a "normal" range for all of the frequencies. It was the best so far. Once we got home, I pulled out his old audiograms and compared them to the new one and just cried. The results were not even close. His hearing has improved drastically. I have never doubted our decision to have the cochlear implant surgery, but seeing his latest audiogram just reaffirmed how right of a decision it was.

His speech and language has also taken off. He consistently talks in 3-4 word sentences and more than just his immediate family are able to understand him. I also feel like his comprehension has improved. I can tell him to do something from across the street or upstairs and he understands me. This is something pretty remarkable because it means he is getting all of his information auditory instead of using visual cues like signs or lip reading.
Traxton is such a sweet little boy and I am so grateful that he still loves to snuggle with me whenever I ask. He also is quite goofy and loves to play and wrestle with Treyson. It won't be long until he can give Treyson a run for his money. I love this little guy so much and am so thankful to be his momma.