Wednesday, January 23, 2008
I'm Bringing Home a Baby Honeybee!
Well as most of you know Jared has bees. He and his dad have bee hives and do the whole honey thing. Last night a bee must have fallen off of Jared's shirt when he put it on because Ashten stepped on it. She started screaming, but I just thought it was because she lifted up her foot and noticed that a bee was under it. I kind of just thought she was freakin out. I put her on the counter and saw that the stinger went through her sock. That's when I realized she had gotten stung. About two years ago she was stung as well, but with bee stings you don't have a reaction until the second or third sting. I rubbed some benadryl cream along the bottom of her foot because it was swelling up almost instantly. Within minutes she had hives all over her belly, back and arms and she was even getting them around her mouth. Her eyes started to swell shut and she was coughing a lot and wheezing. We ran Treyson over to our neighbor's house and since she is an ER nurse, she called and told them we were coming and what our situation was. We got to the ER and into a room within 10 minutes of when the sting occured. They were pretty concerned about her breathing and her reaction because of her age. They started an IV to give her some benadryl and steroids. They even had to stick her twice to get a good vein. With the IV in she got better pretty fast, but they had us stay for a while to monitor her. It was a lot different to be at the hospital not working, but needing help. But I was determined not to be one of those mothers that fall apart. I couldn't even look at Ashten without wanting to cry, her face was so swollen up. Well, the doctor told us that Ashten will most likely always be allergic to bee stings and he gave us a rx for an eppi-pen, because next time it could even be worse. Jared was pretty devastated about the news. It broke his heart to think that we will always have to worry everytime she goes around the bees. We got really lucky that her reaction wasn't any worse than it was. Hopefully it won't ever happ
en again.

Friday, January 18, 2008
Our New Addition!!!
Well, I guess that I should post and make everything official. We are pregnant with number three! The baby's due date is July 1st. We are excited, but it doesn't really seem real yet. Probably because we didn't tell anyone for so long and have been so busy. We don't know what we are having and our goal is to make it clear to the end not knowing. Since we have one of each, I think it would be fun to have a suprise. We'll see if I can be strong enough to not let my curiosity take over. I am a little bit worried about how I can handle another one. I am having a lot of anxiety over the thought of losing control and not being a good mother to either the baby or my older children. Hopefully it is just early jitters.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Merry Christmas
We are a little late, but I guess that I still need to post some pictures from christmas. We had a really good time this year. The kids are at a fun age where they were able to really enjoy things this year. On Christmas eve my family does a progressive dinner at each of the siblings homes. It was fun but next year we need to start a little bit earlier so that we don't have to keep the kids up so late. My parent's house was the last stop and they had jammies for all of the kids. It was fun for the kids to get into their new pjs. On christmas morning we had a little breakfast picnic in my room for the kids before they went downstairs to find their presants. We wanted them to be totally ready for the task of opening their stuff. Ashten was so excited she wouldn't hardly eat anything. Santa brought them their much awaited jeep and it was the hit. They drove it around all day and actually haven't quit driving it since. Treyson needs a little bit more practice before he can drive without assistance. We had a really good time and the kids are already asking when santa is going to come again. 

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