Wednesday, January 23, 2008
I'm Bringing Home a Baby Honeybee!
Well as most of you know Jared has bees. He and his dad have bee hives and do the whole honey thing. Last night a bee must have fallen off of Jared's shirt when he put it on because Ashten stepped on it. She started screaming, but I just thought it was because she lifted up her foot and noticed that a bee was under it. I kind of just thought she was freakin out. I put her on the counter and saw that the stinger went through her sock. That's when I realized she had gotten stung. About two years ago she was stung as well, but with bee stings you don't have a reaction until the second or third sting. I rubbed some benadryl cream along the bottom of her foot because it was swelling up almost instantly. Within minutes she had hives all over her belly, back and arms and she was even getting them around her mouth. Her eyes started to swell shut and she was coughing a lot and wheezing. We ran Treyson over to our neighbor's house and since she is an ER nurse, she called and told them we were coming and what our situation was. We got to the ER and into a room within 10 minutes of when the sting occured. They were pretty concerned about her breathing and her reaction because of her age. They started an IV to give her some benadryl and steroids. They even had to stick her twice to get a good vein. With the IV in she got better pretty fast, but they had us stay for a while to monitor her. It was a lot different to be at the hospital not working, but needing help. But I was determined not to be one of those mothers that fall apart. I couldn't even look at Ashten without wanting to cry, her face was so swollen up. Well, the doctor told us that Ashten will most likely always be allergic to bee stings and he gave us a rx for an eppi-pen, because next time it could even be worse. Jared was pretty devastated about the news. It broke his heart to think that we will always have to worry everytime she goes around the bees. We got really lucky that her reaction wasn't any worse than it was. Hopefully it won't ever happ
en again.

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That is so crazy that Ashten would be allergic to bees of all things...darn the luck, huh? I am so glad that she is doing better though. We were worried about her all night after we heard.
Poor Ashten! I'm so glad she's ok, that is such a sad little picture!
p.s. your blog layout is soooooooo cute!
The picture of Ashten's little puffy eyes is sad. She is such a cute little girl. And congrats on the newest Taylor, on its way!
oh man! hopefully that will be your last e.r. trip for awhile!
My grandpa was good friends with your husbands dad and he always was bringing home yummy honey!
What a sad little face, that is the worst when something like that happens to one of your kids...I'm glad she is okay though!
P.S. How are you feeling? past the sickness yet?
Oh my goodness! That is crazy! I'm so glad she's feeling better.
I hope you remember me...we met at the park in Washington with some other girls & I asked you about that book. I have a few more questions about toilet training. Would you mind emailing me? crystalee33 @ hotmail . com. Thanks!!
Crystal Mickelsen
Mandy that is so sad, it doesn't even look like her. :( I'm glad everything turned out okay though!!!
p.s. Lunch was fun the other day....we should do it again sometime!!!!
Poor little thing! I'm glad she's okay, I would've been freaking out if I were you. She looks so sad in the picture!
How crazy that she would be allergic to bees? I'm sure you handled it really well. I hope she is feeling better.
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