About a month ago our little dog had puppies. This is the third time she has had pups so it wasn't anything new for us.
Treyson has totally loved having the puppies around. There were six of them and he just loved to hold and play with them. Last week we started getting rid of the puppies and on Saturday we only had two left. Since it was such a nice day, Jared decided to put a vinyl fence up on the side of our house. The kids and I spent the day outside "helping".
Treyson mostly played in the sandbox with the puppies. It was so cute. If one would escape he would get up and carry it back. They
actually played close to him for quite a while. Now all of the puppies are gone and I think
Treyson will be pretty sad when he decides that he wants to play with them and they aren't here anymore.

Cute puppies! What kind are they?
I am jealous to see that you have grass and can spend the day outside. We still have at least a foot of snow covering our yard and although the sun in shining, its bitter cold still! Dang Logan!
The puppies are so cute!!!!! My nieces were the exact way with my dogs puppies. They carried them around and played with them like they were their little babies! I'm glad they're all going to good homes.
My boys love dogs too. Lucky for me & very unlucky for my boys, I'm allergic and we can't have pets. They look super cute!
I'm glad you were able to get rid of them all...sorry we couldn't get Talen talked into taking one though. They look so cute!
Cute kids and puppies. I love seeing pics of your kids because they are so dang cute! Don't you just love playing outside lately? I am loving this weather...too bad it will be too hot to leave the house way too soon!
very cute puppies! We love our puppy too! Bladen is really starting to enjoy her. we named her suzy! Tell treyson sorry for taking his friend
Cute kids...cute puppies...great weather...what more could you ask for?!
I love the puppies! If heidi has puppies again you will have to let me know. You guys should of kept one-Ha! Your kiddies are so cute. Hows the pregnancy going? I hope you were strong and didn't find out what your getting. We didn't find out with Whitley and I think it was so worth it. It looks warm and sunny down there already. Take care-Steph
Okay, I ran across some pictures the other day from Joy School so many years ago. Me, you, Jason Roberts, Erin ?, Tyce, I dont remember the rest but they were so funny! I am doing a preschool with Elli that is similar to joy school so it was kindof fun. Just had to mention that!
I am jelous of your good weather too! Elli was so excited to see our grass the other day, even though its still brown!
Those puppies are so cute! Only two more puppies left... I am glad that they get to go to good homes.
Treyson's face all squished is so cute!
Cute Puppies! I bet that is a lot of work for you. Where have you been lately, I haven't seen you at work?
Reminded me of the time we did an ultrasound of your weinerdog... oops, I don't think that was ever to get out in the open!
Cute Family and Blog!
Maybe I will see you some time.
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