What a week this has been. Both one of the best and worst weeks of my life. I have experienced so many emotions that I am truly exhausted. I'm not even sure where to begin. As most of you know, the hospital has your new baby's ears checked before discharge. Well Traxton failed this test with both ears. They told me not to be alarmed but he needed to be rechecked in a couple of days. Sometimes it just takes a few days for fluid in front of the ear drum to drain out. Well, of course you can't tell a hormonal new mom not to be alarmed when their child doesn't pass something. I tried not to worry too much about this, but as the days wore on, I started to freak out. I knew that my baby couldn't hear me. He didn't startle when I would talk to him like I can remember my other kids doing. We had to take him back in on Friday to be re-tested and he failed on both sides again. I was a mess. All I could do was cry. It broke my heart to think that this perfect little baby couldn't hear my voice or the voices of his older brother and sister. When Ashten would start to sing to him, I would lose it. I couldn't imagine what it would be like for my little boy to grow up not being able to hear. At one point I couldn't even look at him because it would just make me cry. Because he failed the test twice they scheduled him for a more intense test where they would place monitors around on his head and measure the brain response when sound at different wavelengths entered his ears. It would be able to tell if it was nerve damage or just fluid in the middle ear that would be corrected with tubes. He had to be asleep for test which would last about an hour so we had to make sure he was "sleep deprived". Because we were scheduled at 7:00 am, we woke him up at 5:30 and kept him awake until we arrived at the audiologists office. They were able to change different variables and determine at what decimal he was able to hear and what he couldn't. He did so good and slept through the whole test. When we left the office we still didn't know exactly what we were dealing with. They said that it looked like it could just be the fluid but we would have to go see an ENT to find out for sure. Well today we went to the ear nose and throat Dr and found out that it is just fluid. They said that it may even drain out on its own in time, but if it doesn't by the time we go back in six weeks they may consider putting tubes in his ears. I can not even explain how big of a relief this is. I know that we have been blessed because of all of the fasting and prayers gone out in our behalf. I have pleaded with my heavenly father more this week than I have in a very long time. I am so thankful for the support given by our family and friends and especially for Jared. I would not have made it through this week without him. He was my constant rock and shoulder to cry on when I couldn't face the fear of the unknown. He also gave me hope and encouragement with the reminder that it didn't matter if our little boy could hear or not. We would still love him and we would just learn how to do sign language. I know this has been a long post, but all week I have been looking forward to the time where I could say that my baby can hear!
Jonas failed his first couple hearing tests as well. It ended up being because the girl doing the tests didn't do it perfect or whatever, but I was so nervous too. I feel your pain! I'm glad that everything turned out ok and he will be fine.
Also, I can't believe how much alike you kids look! They are so cute.
I started getting all teary eyed..that would be so HARD....your mind would just go through your childs life and think of how they could go w/o hearing. I hope everything works out. Your kids are so adorable, you should keep having em:)
That is great. You guys were in my thoughts and prayers this weekend. I am so happy for you. I don't know if I could have been that strong.
Oh wow, I can only imagine your fear! I am sooo happy for the good news. And congrats, by the way, on the beautiful healthy boy, I am just getting caught up. That's so exciting, he's darling!
Oh Im so happy to hear that he will hear. Not that having a hearing impaired baby would be bad...just harder.
I just love that picture. Traxton is such a beautiful babe....along with his sibs. I love your kids. for real. now go back and see how many times I have said that.
I am so glad that everything turned out okay. You have three cute kids who i adore very much.
Wow. I can't even imagine what you must have been going through, Mandy. I am so, so glad that things ended up being the lesser of two evils. What a cute pictures of all of your darling kids.
Wow I am sorry you had to go through that. I definitely agree with you, telling a mom who has just given birth to a child that something is wrong or that their perfect baby failed a test, to not worry, is not smart. Is it even possible to NOT worry?
I'm so glad to hear that things are good though! Wow I cant imagine your relief! He is a beautiful baby and the pic of all 3 of your little ones is so awesome! What a cute family! Congrats!
I am so sorry that you had to deal with that in the first week! The horror that you would feel as a mother is indescribable. I am glad that everything is turning out okay. He is a doll!
I feel so bad that I haven't called and knew more about this, other than the initial hearing test. Please forgive me for being such a bad friend! I want to try to come over to today if that's okay, I'm hopefully getting off work early.
I'm glad everything seems to be going so much better. I can't even imagine how you must've been feeling. Hopefully it will drain out soon and he'll be happy and responding to all the beautiful noises in no time!
What a stressful week and not what you were probably picturing at all. I am so happy for your family and Traxton that everything will be okay. You are definitely strong enough to handle something like this. I have a present for you that I need to bring by. I don't know when cause things are so crazy but hopefully soon. Again so grateful that everything turned out alright!
What a huge relief! I know I would have been probably a bigger mess that you could ever be. But what a huge relief to know that in time all will be well. I know your stronger than you think. Afterall, you made it through the entire pregnancy not knowing whether he was a boy or girl. Something I could never do. Prayers are truly heard and answered.
We're so glad everything turned out the way it did. I was so worried all week, and I can't even begin to imagine what you went through. Traxton is such an adorable little baby and we love him so much!
Oh Mandy! I can only begin to imagine what kind of week you had. My heart was pounding just reading your post. That would be so hard to not freak out over. I am so thankful that it is something that can be resolved. You are one strong women and a great mom!
How scary...something I didn't even think about as an expectant mom. I guess the worrying begins the day you find out you are pregnant and never stops. I'm glad everything turned out okay. And Traxton is so super cute, I'm glad you were able to stop by at work.
Whitley failed her hearing tests the first two times in the hospital. I know exactly how you feel. I'm so grateful for blessings because I truely believe they work. Glad everything is ok and I love the picture of all three of them.
Whew!!! I am so glad that it wasn't something worse! Thank heaven for a good support group in tough times. I can't imaging how hard that would be and all the thoughts that would run through your head, glad everything will be okay, and he is one beautiful babe.
I had no idea.....I'm glad everything is okay, and congratulations he is sooo cute!!! How was your camping experience over the weekend???
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