Traxton's hearing aids came in yesterday so he has his "new ears". Seeing him with his hearing aids is bitter sweet. It kind of makes me sad to think of the trials he will be forced to face, but I am also so excited for him to finally be able to hear. As soon as they put the aids on, his eyes got so big. It was almost like he was hearing the world for the first time. He has been so much more alert and has responded to things that he never did before. We had his MRI last Friday and it showed that he has enlarged vestibular aqueducts or EVA. It is something that developed wrong in the inner ear and cannot be corrected. There has been cases where they tried to surgical fix this condition, but it just made the hearing worse. EVA can also make the hearing worse over time and even cause deafness. We will just continue to pray that his hearing will stay the same. I just love the fact that my baby can finally hear me clearly.