Traxton's hearing aids came in yesterday so he has his "new ears". Seeing him with his hearing aids is bitter sweet. It kind of makes me sad to think of the trials he will be forced to face, but I am also so excited for him to finally be able to hear. As soon as they put the aids on, his eyes got so big. It was almost like he was hearing the world for the first time. He has been so much more alert and has responded to things that he never did before. We had his MRI last Friday and it showed that he has enlarged vestibular aqueducts or EVA. It is something that developed wrong in the inner ear and cannot be corrected. There has been cases where they tried to surgical fix this condition, but it just made the hearing worse. EVA can also make the hearing worse over time and even cause deafness. We will just continue to pray that his hearing will stay the same. I just love the fact that my baby can finally hear me clearly.

He's adorable, Mandy. I am sorry that he will have to go through these trials, but he will be such a strong individual because of it. Besides, he has a good strong family to support him so I think he will be just fine. You are an awesome mom and I admire your strength!
Traxton is so cute!! I've been so amazed at your strength over the past few months and can only imagine the excitement to see the look in his eyes at all the wonderful new sounds. How rewarding it will be to know he hears and knows your voice!! What a great mom you are.
He is sooooooo handsome.
Its amazing these days that little ones can have the ability to hear with technology! He is a special one for sure.
It was good to see you guys to. I am so happy that little Traxton can hear now. You guys have been and will continue to be in our prayers.
Okay, now that I have wiped away my tears.....
Seriously, I love that I'm able to be your friend! Your strength is such an inspiration to me, even though the dumb things I go through seem small and insignificant. I'm so happy his little eyes lit up when they put them in. I'll bet he has loved "meeting" his mommy today! He's lucky to have such a great family!
I think our spiritual ears are so much more important than our physical ears and sometimes our trials make us "listen" better to our Heavenly father. Little Trax will probably be able to listen better then the rest of us. We think and prayer for your family often. I also love the pictures of Ashten and Trax. I think Ashten is one of the cutest little girls I have ever seen. All of your kids are so beautiful and I am not just saying that. It is fun to get to "know" you through blogging:)
Oh, that's so exciting that he finally has his hearing aids. I can't imagine what a relief it is to know that he can hear you now. Yes, he'll have his trials...but I agree that it will make him so much stronger as a person. He is such a sweeitie...we love him so much and he'll always be in our prayers!
oh mandy, your little guys is so cute and nothing like hearing aids are going to change that! we love him very much.
He's so cute! I've been wondering lately if you had found anything more out yet about his hearing. It will be fun to watch him explore the world now. Plus, they are making hearing aids these days that are quite fashionable! :) Your kids are totally adorable!!!
He is so darling, and I bet it really was a neat moment for you to see him have his hearing! I hope it just keeps getting better. :)
I have been thinking about you guys and wondering what was going on with Traxton's hearing. He is so adorable and it's so great that he can hear better now! You're the best.
I'm with Chelsea, you are such an example to me with how you are dealing with this whole situation. I'm so glad he can hear your voice now!
I'm glad he finally got those hearing aids. I bet he is just loving them. Im sure it opens up a whole new world for him.
Oh my gosh he is so cute! He has the brightest eyes. I'm so glad you were able to get hearing aids for him-glad things are looking up! take care-steph
He really is adorable! I'm so glad they found out what was wrong and are able to fix it! I would have been so frustrated not having answers. I bet it was amazing for him to finally hear! You are an awesome mom! P.S. I really loved the pics of your daughter riding her bike in the rain! So cute!
I love that he can hear your guys voices now, he is so stinkin cute! I think the lord sends us trials in our lives that will only make us stronger! I am now wipeing the tears from my eyes. Good Luck with everything!!!
I am so glad that you know what is going on and have some peace of mind now. I can't even imagine how special of a moment that was when he heard you and responded. What a blessing. He sure has some beautiful eyes!
He is such a cutie. It must be wonderful to watch him respond to your voice.
In answer to your question, Denise (my mother-in-law) just googled Italy and cooking class (or something like that). Cooking Vacations was the first thing that popped up. They have a couple of locations where they demonstrate local cooking. The one in Positano is their most popular, I think. The original package is over a week long, but Denise kind of planned our own kind of thing, so we were on our own except for the classes, and we were only with the entire group one day. It was my favorite time of the whole trip.
He is so darling! Your kids are so cute! I don't get to see you much but your family is very cute and hope to see you soon!
I am so glad that he can finally hear his mommy. I am surprised he doesn't try to pull them out. Isn't technology amazing? With faith and love, he will touch lives. It sounds like he already has!
I am so glad that he can finally hear his mommy. I am surprised he doesn't try to pull them out. Isn't technology amazing? With faith and love, he will touch lives. It sounds like he already has!
I get teary eyed reading your blog, but you are having such a good attitude about it, and no matter what he is still a cute little boy who is perfect in his own way. He is just how he should be, and it is amazing something so small can make such a big difference in his hearing. I'm glad that you finally have some answers and that he can hear. love you!
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