I need to post about so many things that I don't know where to start.
*Traxton turned four months old yesterday. He weighed 13 lb 1 oz on his Dr visit and was 23 inches long. He rolled over from his belly to back the other day, but has only done it a few time since. He hates to be on his belly, so I haven't made him very much. He seems to be getting big way too fast. He has started jabbering a lot more and loves to tell us "stories". He also loves to smile, which always makes me smile.
*Treyson has turned into quite the big brother. He loves being by Traxton and wants him to sleep in his bed with him. He is always so loving and soft around him. I can't wait to see how the two of them will interact when Traxton gets a little older.
*Ashten had to go to the dentist this week to have her "sugar bug" fixed. My mom works at the dentist so it has always been such a fun place to go. Ashten has had her teeth cleaned a few times, but this time she had a filling put in and I'm not sure if her attitude about "grandma's work" will ever be the same. They gave her the gas to help her relax and she did so well. Towards the end she started getting wiggly, but I was really impressed with how she handled it. The gas made her really giggly, so it was funny to watch. After it was all over and done, Ashten was really frustrated with her face not waking up. She apparently scratched her chin to wake it up so hard that now she has a huge scrape. It looks so bad that everyone asks her what happened. I can't believe we have to say that she was trying to get her face to wake back up. I just hope it doesn't scar too bad. 
Well that is it. Now everyone can get off my case about posting. :) Enjoy.

That is so cute she wanted to wake her face up. Carter's foot fell asleep in the car the other day and he kept screaming his foot hurt and I couldn't figure it out. When he stopped he said his foot was "fuzzy". Funny how they explain things!
I bet your so glad to be done with your big enrichment activity! I love the picture of Treyson doctoring Traxton and the one of Ashten in the chair. Your mom said she did really good...I was nervous for her and you!!
I'm glad super saturday is finally over and you can relax a bit(even though you still never do!) Hopefully everything worked out well with it. The kids are all so cute! I can't believe how big Traxton is getting. He is such a cute and smiley guy! Glad Ashten was so good at the dentist!
Hey. I was meaning to ask you. Don't you work as a radiology tech or something like that? Do you like it? How many hours do you work? Where did you go to school? I am considering doing that degree and wondered what you thought and if you would do it again? (That is if I am remembering correctly!)
I am a x-ray tech and I totally love it. I work two eight hour shifts a week and they are in the evening so Jared has the kids. It has worked out so nicely with our family. I got my degree through Weber State, but I know there are other programs in the state. I would do it again in a heartbeat. Good luck and let me know if you have anymore questions.
Sounds like everyone is having fun and getting so big. We had our super activity on Saturday as well. If you did a craft you will have to post a picture. Take care!!!
Sounds like your fall has been full of fun! I too had to spend a lot of time at the dentist as a little kid. I am sorry. But at least she gets to see grandma. All I got was a sticker and a toothbrush.
What dentist does your mom work for?
She works for Dr Jim Ence. His office is by K-mart.
I didn't know that is your mom. We go to the same dentist. Your mom is so sweet and so on the ball! Figures your her daughter! The kids are getting big and so dang cute!
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