Treyson was one lucky boy this year. He woke up to a yard full of snow. That is just not something that happens very often when you live here. Jared took the kids out as soon as he was able and not only built a snowman, but an entire snow family. It was our family. I couldn't believe how well the kids did. I pretty much walked outside to snap some pictures and then went back inside my heated house, but the kids stayed out for so long and didn't complain about the cold at all. I realized that if it is going to continue to snow, I will need to purchase some water proof gear for my kids. Their clothe gloves and jeans, just don't cut it.
After building a snowman, Treyson went on a lunch date with Aunt Dally and grandma. He was so excited to go and thought he was super special. When Jared came home from work we took the kids to jumping jacks and then to dinner. It was a super fun day and I think Treyson really enjoyed himself. He is such a good boy with such a soft heart. He loves his little brother and is very protective of his big sister. If she gets in trouble, he usually cries more than she does. We love him so much and are so thankful he was sent to our home. Happy late birthday bud.

Happy birthday, Treyson! Jack kept saying his name all day long after he came home. I loved the snowman family, Jared is such a cute dad. Max spent the whole day looking for snowboots and gloves for Jack, and could't find anything so they ended up just playing out there in their shoes!
What a great birthday present for Treyson to wake up to snow!! I'm with you and would much rather be inside:) Treyson is such a sweet boy and we love him so much! Happy late birthday Treyson!!
We was actually down in St. George when it was snowing. That was so crazy. I can't believe treyson is already 3. Time flies way to fast. The snowman family is adorable. take care and merry christmas!!!
love the snowmen!! when I read that you stayed inside I laughed cause you have never like the cold, you would drive to school all bundled up in your awesome car that you would cover with blankets at night because you didn't want to scrap the funny:) I am the same way!
That is such a cute picture with the snowman family! We had one growing up and I love to look at it! Happy birthday to Treyson! It is crazy how fast time is flying by.
Can you believe the snow!!! The other night it took my parents 2 hours to get to st george from here. Crazy- i am ready for summer. Cute snowman though!
I'm glad Treyson had such a great birthday! The snow was probably his favorite part. My kids were in heaven too! They wanted to build a snowman so bad but I wasn't willing to go out with them so it didn't happen.
I love the snow family! So cute.
darling darling kids. I am so glad to see your blog. We missed the reunion last year because of a family vacation, we missed everyone. Your family is so cute. Good to hear from you.
Love Lisa
I hope that Treyson had a great Birthday.
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