It seems like a while since I have posted anything about Traxton and his ears, so I will try to update everyone. He seems to be doing really well. We took him in to the audiologist last Friday to have them tested again, but he didn't cooperate long enough to finish the whole test. We have to go back in this week and hopefully be able to finish and find out if his hearing loss has gotten any worse. Last week we had a state advocate for the hearing disabled come into our home and talk about a lot of resources that are available to us. Apparently, the state of Utah doesn't feel like children with hearing loss have enough help before they get to school so they have started a program where an advocate is with the child until the age of three. Our lady will be able to come into our home 1-3 times a month until he is three. She also told us about speech pathologists who can help him learn to talk, signing classes for us, and even a physical therapist who can help him with balance since the aquaducts (which are enlarged and causing his hearing loss) controls our balance. The best thing about all this was that she said everything is FREE! I couldn't believe it. I actually cried when I got off the phone with her. We have had a lot of people tell us about different programs and "help" we could get, but to have someone actually tell us exactly what we can do to help him and be ready to jump right in and get started with it all is awesome.
Stefanie, our state advocate, watched him for a little while and was really impressed with how much he "talks" and rolls around. We have been told that if he wasn't hearing, he wouldn't be jabbering like he is. Stefanie also said that most babies with aquaduct problems don't roll at all because it makes them too dizzy, so Traxton is doing really well to be able to move around as much as he is. We feel really good about things right now and are excited to get things started with Stefanie. She will start teaching us different methods to talk to him that will best help him learn to talk. He is such a good little boy and we love him so much. I have even become quite fond of his cute little hearing aids, if only we could get rid of the hidious tape.
Oh, Mandy, it made me so happy for you when I read this post. The advocate intervention is such a good idea; I can't imagine what a relief it is to have someone knowledgeable helping you for free! And I have to add that the picture you posted is just so darling!
I'm so glad that everything is working out for you guys! I know his test will go great this week cuz he seems to be doing so well with everything else. I love his smile!
He is so darn cute and I'm glad to hear of your postive news. We too are so grateful for the state program that is helping Brielle and I'm glad that Utah has a similar situation to help Traxton. Keep us posted on what you keep learning about him.
That is great news! Glad things are working out for you...I totally felt that way when I found out about Kids on the Move when Madi had her problems...it's such a relief when you finally find someone who can get the ball rolling instead of just wondering what can be done. Anyway, good luck, hope the advocate works out well for him.
Oh heavens he is soooo darling!
What a blessing for it all to be free.
Traxton is getting so big! That picture of him is too cute! I am glad you guys are getting some good news and that it is all going to be free...what a relief that must have been for you.
Hey Mandy, Traxton is so cute he reminds me so much of Jared though. Anyways, I bet you could get that kind of help up here to. Probably not, HA HA... Seriously though it all sounds GREAT, ecspecially the FREE thing.
Love ya, Kristi.
P.S. I am coming to church there this coming Sunday. You better be there.
He looks so cute in that picture. I always wanted to learn to sign so let me know if it is pretty easy.
I'm so glad that you are finally getting some good new and that the state is helping out. That is awesome he is doing so good. I can't believe how much older he is looking.
At last...some good news for you guys! That is soooo amazing! I am so excited for you Mandy! For once I am impressed with the State. I have been shocked with how expensive all of this has been for you guys and how little has been covered by insurance. This is so wonderful!
I was also impressed to see how much Traxton jibber jabbers when I was at your house last time! I thought the same thing that surely he wouldn't be doing that if he wasn't hearing. But I am not a specialist so I wasn't sure if that was correct or not. I am so glad that things are looking good for him! He is so adorable! Congratulations!
I got emotional over this post. What a sweet boy! I am so glad that there are people out there willing to help and teach and reach out at times when you probably feel alone. You are such a great mom! I know he will thrive no matter what the outcome!
I can't believe I haven't seen your update until today. That is so great that he is doing so well and that there is so many resources for him. He has an awesome mom and that will help him. He is such a doll.
what a doll! I am so sorry to hear about his hearing loss, I had no idea. It sounds like there is a great program for you and I am so glad to hear that it is free. Good Luck with everything with him. I am sure it will turn out great! Darling family!
He looks so cute with his ears. need i say more.
That picture of him is so cute! He's such a little man now. I'm so relieved to hear about your good news, and to hear about how well the follow-up test went. You guys will all be great at signing and facilitating his needs. Just be on your best behavior when the state representative comes again....ha ha ha!
hey I'm finally into the blogging world! Only cuz I'm starting a business makin tutu skirts for little girls...they are perfect for bday and baby shower gifts, so check it out and spread the word! I can't believe you have 3 kids! I remember you bein prego with your first! Crazy!!! Keep in touch and tell everyone in xray hi for me! lildivatutus.blogspot.com
Everytime I see a picture of your little guy I just can't quit smiling-he is so cute. He has the brightest blue eyes. I'm glad to hear he is doing so well. Take care!
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