Last weekend we went out to my Grandpa's ranch on the Arizona Strip to brand calves. This is something that I did as a kid every year, but surprisingly my kids have never done it before. We had a great day. The weather was great. Ususally it is so hot and dusty that everyone comes home scorched and covered in dirt, but this time we actually had to run for cover from the rain for a few minutes. The kids had a great time playing and "helping". I think they will want to go every year now.

The kids had to be right there for most of the action.

Traxton and my aunt Margie. She is such a lifesaver. Everytime our kids get sick of their parents or we of them, she steps in and takes them. We don't know what we would do without her.

Traxton and my cousins little boy, Clay. They spent some time together in the back of the truck. One day they will do more playing together and not just sitting next to eachother.