Yesterday was Traxton's first birthday. I can't believe how fast the time has gone. It definitely doesn't feel like it has been a whole year since he came to our family. He didn't have that great of a birthday since he didn't feel too well throughout the day. He was really cranky and even threw up at one point. He has been getting a lot of teeth, so I am just hoping this is all related to that. We had a family party last night for him and I forgot how not into it they are at one. He did pretty well with the first few presents, but needed help with the rest. Good thing he has some siblings who were willing to jump in.
Traxton is such a good little boy who brings so much love to our family. I love being his mom and can't wait for all the future birthdays with him.

I can't believe it has been a year either! The kids had a fun time at the party!! Happy Birthday Traxton!!!
Happy Birthday Traxton! I love the cowboy boots, too cute.
What an adorable birthday boy! I love the boots I'm sure the party was fantastic--with you as the party planner! I can't believe its already been one whole year!
His birhtday party was a blast. The kids had a great time. I hope that he is feeling better.
Happy Birthday Traxton!! It has been such a fast year, I'm glad he is getting so big and doing great with his hearing! You guys are amazing parents and it's obvious he is loved by siblings!!!!
Looks like he got some fun things. I can relate to him not feeling well on his big day. Whitley had a fever of 102 on her first b-day and was really cranky at her party. We ended up going to the er that night. She ended up having a bad infection in her little body. His cake sure is cute.
I cannot believe it has been a whole year! It seems crazy how fast it has gone. I hope it was a great day!!! Happy bday Traxton. He is such a cute little guy.
One year... wow! It seems like just barely I worked the helper shift with you the night before you delivered. Crazy!
Already? That is so crazy! What a cute little man. You always amaze me Mandy. You really are such a strong woman.
Wow this year has gone by so fast. I can't believe he's one. I love the boots. Mason has the same ones. So cute!
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