Two Christmas's ago we got the kids a little driving jeep. It was a huge hit and has driven around our circle so many times we can't even count. The last few months however, it has pretty much been parked in our garage. I'm not sure if it was the heat or just that the kids have been more interested in riding their bikes and scooters. Lately I have discovered that Jared has been pulling it out of the garage while I was at work for the kids to drive Traxton around in. It was solely as a babysitting purpose so he could get whatever he needed to get done. When I first found this out, I was a little concerned. I wasn't sure how safe it was for my baby to be riding around in. However, I have to admit that after being stuck in the house with a teething, cranky child, I too have pulled the jeep out and strapped him in. Traxton absolutely loved riding co-pilot with Treyson around and around our circle. I absolutely loved the chance for a break from him pulling on my leg and crying. I guess I have to hand it to Jared for being so innovative in his babysitting methods. I'm pretty sure I would have never thought of sticking him in there myself. Probably because I wouldn't be able to get past the dangers of it to even try. I guess that is why dad's are more fun.

That is too funny! This is totally something Trevor would do too. It must be a guy thing, they can't get stuff done and watch the kids at the same time.
cuuuutest pics Ive ever seen.
That's great. I could see Travis doing that too. They will do what ever it takes to keep the kids busy with out actually watching them.
Man, that makes me really wish we had one of those! Good idea Jared!!
I think I need to get one of those. I'm struggling with a teething cranky baby. One of the only things that distracts her is when I take her to the store and put her in a shopping cart. But that just makes me want to spend money. :)
Wow, school and preschool!!! Wild how fast time goes! Your right teag's thinks her dad is more fun too! I think he secretly lets her do anything she wants, and I make her behave (or try to anyway) hahaha!!!
So cute! I miss all of you too...
It has been over a year now since we moved I still miss beautiful St. George.
So how far exactly can that thing drive? Could it make it to our NEW house? We have some pretty sweet roads in our neighborhood that aren't too heavily trafficked! Sometimes men do think of great things. Although sometimes their plans have downsides too--for instance, Max likes to put Jack's potty on the kitchen floor so he can just go whenever and not leave the room. Remember how I told you today that I had to scrub my bathroom floor? Guess I need to scrub the kitchen floor now too!
I kind of feel lost this week without hanging out much. We definitely need to fix this!
That is funny. I just wrote about Sofie's accident in a power wheel on my blog. But Sofie's accident was a random thing. She still loves riding in it! The boys look super cute together!
They are such dolls! I really need to get the battery replaced in the hand me down one my friend just gave me. Not to long before Traxton is wanting to drive Treyson around....
Great pictures! What a great idea jared. It looks like both of them are just loving the time being free.
He is pretty cute in it. I do have to admit though the first time I saw him in it I kind of freaked out myself, but Traxton does love. I love all the kids. They are just so dang cute and brighten my day each time I see them.
They look great together! Of course Jared thought of it, men think of almost anything to keep the kids distracted so they can do what they want! Just kidding, he is a great dad! Can't wait to get there!
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