Yesterday my little brother came home from his mission in Argentina. It was such a long anticipated day. We had our signs made and went up to the airport around noon to wait for his flight. All the kids were so cute holding their signs up through the window. For the last six months he has been telling us to get our kids ready to give him a hug when he got home. We tried to tell him that it has been two years and they would probably be afraid of him and wouldn't give him any hugs. The kids did so well. All but the youngest ones went right up to him and hugged him. They didn't even act like they haven't seen him for two years. It is so good to have him home and to hear his spanish accent.

The kids were so excited to show their signs. As soon as we saw the plane on the horizon, they started waving their signs. I'm sure he saw them. :)

Welcome Home Elder Trumbull Bundy!

Hugging the big boys.

There's a few more kids than when he left! Everyone was excited to see him, except for Traxton. Big surprise, he doesn't like anyone but mom or dad.

The picture we took a few days before he left. Wow, look how little they all look.
I love that last picture!! They are all so tiny! It's crazy to really see how much bigger they have gotten in 2 years!
Oh my goodness that time went fast. I remember when you put on hear that he was leaving. What a nice thing to have him home for Christmas!!!
How exciting! I know how excited you have been lately and how much fun the kids can now have with their uncle!
What a wonderful CHristmas present. How exciting to get to be together as a family on CHristmas.
So cute! I'm glad they were excited to see him! That is a great Christmas present to have him home!
I love the return of a missionary brother. It's the best. Those are cute pics.
How exciting! What a fun thing to happen before Christmas! I'm glad you finally have your brother home!
That is so cool. RMs are the best they carry such a spirit...and to be blessed with that spirit at christmas, super cool!!! Your kids are so cute! Hope everything is great for you, Merry Christmas!
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