Ashten's school has monthly winners in each class for different outstanding qualities. Last month she was the winner. Her teacher told me that they would be awarding the winners during an assembly, but that it was a secret to the students. It was so cute to see her walk in with her little class and then to be called up in front of everyone. We are so proud of her and how hard she works in school. She is such a smart little girl and has become a really good reader. She loves going to school everyday and I hope she always has her same desire to learn that she has now.

I am Ashten's room mom, and I also go into her class once a week to test the kids on different things that they have been learning. I love having a child old enough for elementary school and to be able to be involved and experience all of the fun things that go along with it.
*Traxton wishes that he went to school. He loves to wear his brother and sister's backpack so much that I finally went out and bought him his own. I love this boy!!!

Congratulations Ashten, that is so fun that she got to get up in front of the school. Traxton is getting so big and his grin is huge I love it.
Mandella I miss you. Your family is so adorable. Make a trip up here sometime ok
Your pictures of the kids are way cute. Great job Ashten!! Before you know it you will be sending Traxton off to school to get these awards too.
Way to go Ashten! That's so fun they let you know a head of time so you could go and watch her get the award. Traxton looks so cute in his backpack.
Traxton is so cute! It looks like he loves the backpack. Great job Ashten!
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