I now feel like I didn't enjoy the summer break and time with my kids like I could have. We did a lot of fun things throughout the summer, but I didn't really enjoy them like I should have. Many of my days were spent looking forward to nap time and then bed time. Some days it felt like all I could do was count the hours until I could have a break. Recently, I have been struggling a lot with feelings of inadequacy. I was feeling like I just couldn't keep up with all of the demands placed on me by others, and even myself. A lot of my feelings were stemmed from all of the responsibilities of keeping up with all of Traxton's therapy sessions and doctor appointments. We have multiple therapist come to our house throughout the week and I take him to an additional speech therapist. I just have felt like even though we are working so hard with him, I'm still not doing enough. Like I am failing him as his mother. I am his number one advocate, but I am also mainly responsible for whether or not he has success. His progress with speech and language relies on whether or not I take the time, and have the patience, to work with him. Some days we do really well, but others are rough. He gets frustrated really easy when I don't know what he wants and he can't construct a word or phrase to tell me. I admittedly, get frustrated a lot and don't take the time to figure out what he is telling me so he gets upset. Having all this responsibility has been weighing heavily on my shoulders. I have known where these feelings are coming from all along; the only person who wants me to feel like a failure. But even though I have known that, I still have had a hard time getting rid of them. My poor husband who would call to see how our day was going, would end up listening to me break down and cry. Thank you babe for being so loving and understanding. At stake conference on Sunday our stake president spoke, and although I really didn't get a lot out of the meeting thanks to my kids who seemed to have a hard time remembering that we are suppose to whisper in church, I heard one thing that I felt was directed entirely to me. He said that if we look at ourselves the way the Lord does, we will be able to love ourselves more fully and then see the potential in ourselves that the Lord sees. I really needed to hear this to put things in perspective and get out of my depressive state.
So now as I sit here after dropping Ashten off at school to be gone all day, I am seriously missing her and how much help she is to me around the house. Maybe it's because she's the oldest or maybe because she is the only girl, but I get a lot of strength from having her around. I am sad to have that stage of our life over. Ashten will always be a full-time school girl and for now I get to be outnumbered by the boys at home.

I know how you feel with the kids and not being able to wait for bladen to be in school. I am so ready for him to be able to go but know i will miss him when he is gone. Your little Traxton's is a doll. I really enjoyed getting to know him when i baby sat. He was so good. I hope that Ashten has a great first day of school. Hopefully the boys will have fun too without her.
Wow I can't believe school is already starting. I hear you on the school thing. I'm ready for it to start, but feel bad that I didn't do more with the kids over the summer. Ashten looks so cute all ready for school.
Well- my perception of you is that you are freaking gorgeous, amazing, smart, driven and make some beautiful kids.
Ive always admired you.
And I cant wait to be sis in laws with you someday ;)
wishing I could have visited with you more over the weekend. You look SO good.
Mandy, I really appreciated reading this post. I have been feeling similarly lately in the fact that I feel like I endure the day and can't wait for bedtime when I can finally have some time to myself (to clean and pick up, of course, so I am still feeling resentful). I haven't been enjoying my kids at all (and I only have two and no real demands, either). I have noticed that I seem to have big ups and downs with this, so maybe I'll start on an upswing?? Ashten is beautiful. I hope her first day was awesome!
Mandy...you are an amazing mom! I wish that I could have even half the drive you do! I think that most moms probably get the same feelings of inadequacy...I know I do all the time:)
Ashten looks so cute for her first day...she is going to do so great in first grade!!
Oh Mandy i love u and miss u so much! You are the perfect mother and a perfect example of that and a wife. I appreciate your blog and how much it inspires me.
I think most moms can relate about wanting them to go to school and then missing them when they do. She looks so cute all ready to go to school.
You are such an awesome mom I totally look up to you. I can't believe how big your kids are Ashten is so gorgeous, good luck with the adjustment.
I am sitting here reading your blog bawling for a number of reasons. Mandy you are a very good person and mom. You are so strong. I have felt the same way you have numerous times with my kids...looking at the clock, counting how many more hours until naptime or bedtime. So many times my mom has to tell me enjoy these days they are the best days of your life and before you know it they will be gone. I know at times it is so hard to think, but I truely believe they are. Hang in there and keep your chin up!
I've totally been feeling the same way about our summer. My kids are definitely ready for some time apart from each other! :) But it is sad not to have them around all the time too. And Traxton is adorable - look how happy he is in that picture. I'm sure you're doing awesome with him.
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