Treyson just finished his first week of Kindergarten and LOVED it. He was so excited for school to start and has been ready for months. After his first day, I was really excited and asked him to tell me everything that happened. He rolled his eyes a little and said "mom, you're embarrasing me". Since when does a five year old get embarrased by his mom? Ever since then I have tried to play it cool and not make a big deal about him going to school. I would hate to embarrase him again.
He is such a good boy and I'm sure he will have a great year in kindergarten.

Treyson and Mrs. Stewart. We were very glad to get her as his teacher.
*Traxton started preschool today and he handled going off on his own a lot better than I did. I have been very anxious about him going because he is my baby, but he did just fine. He walked right in and didn't even look back.

This boy has been ready for school ever since Treyson started last week. He was very upset that he wasn't the one going to school, and super excited to finally get to go today. I hope his excitement doesn't die off after he realizes he will be going to school almost everyday.
Waiting very patiently for class to start.