A couple of weeks ago Ashten turned seven. I thought I wouldn't have any issues about her age this year until my dad told her that she's half way to fourteen. Now that I have issues with!

For her birthday she has been telling me for months that she wanted to go bowling. I hate the bowling alley. It just radiates germs. I tried and tried but she wouldn't be talked out of it, so we loaded up all her friends and were off. They all had such a fun time. No one really cared about the score and each of the girls helped each other out. It turned out to be a really fun time.

Ashten is such a good girl and she will always help me out with her little brother. I love spending time with her, especially when it's just the two of us. Once in a while we will go on "girls dates" and her favorite thing to do is get pedicures. I love that I have a little girl to do fun things with.

Ashten left for her first day of school today. She was really excited for 2nd grade. She has a really fun teacher and a lot of friends and neighbors in her class. It should be a great year for her. It's a little bit quieter at our house now that school started. For the next three weeks each of my kids will be starting school. Ashten today, Treyson next Monday, and Traxton the following Monday. It will be really strange that in three weeks, all of my kids will be gone four days a week for two hours. I am having an inner battle with my feelings of both anxiety and excitement for the alone time. I'm nervous to send Traxton to preschool on the school bus, but I'm also making lists of the projects I could get done in that time. We'll see how it all ends up.
Happy Birthday Ashten! She looks excited for school to start. That will be nice to have a couple of hours to yourself when they are all in school.
Happy Birthday Ashten. Your good to take all those little girls out like that. She looks so cute all ready for school.
Good for you! Your little one will do great. Enjoy the break. I was a little worried at first too, but it was so good for both of us. I'm not so lucky this year... Dylan got moved to a later time and my boys will be going to school at different times. No break... I really think you'll be happy with everything at the school though. Call me if you have any questions or want to talk about it.
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