We had an awesome Christmas this year. The kids got everything they could ever want and we spent a lot of time with family. My favorite is always Christmas Eve when we get together and have dinner, play games, and re-enact the Nativity. All the kids are at such a fun age. They are starting to understand the true meaning of Christmas and were so cute dressed up as the Nativity characters. My mom made all new costumes this year, so it was really fun to use the new outfits.My mom and dad always give the kids pajamas on Christmas Eve. They love matching with each other and hanging out in their new pj's at grandma and grandpa's house.For the last few weeks we have had some special visitors at our house. Some elves, Bobby and Suzie, have stayed at our house to keep an eye on the kids and report their behavior back to Santa. The kids have had a really fun time finding the elves every morning and it has been a good reminder for them to use their best behavior. On Christmas Eve the kids put cookies and milk out for Santa and the elves since they were leaving with him.Treyson asked Santa for a BB gun. I thought he was still too young, but Jared convinced me to let Santa bring him one. Ashten asked for Heelies. She really likes to roller skate, but heelies are way cooler. Traxton didn't really ask for anything. He has a serious interest in super hero's. He was always having me tuck his blanket into the back of his shirt, so I thought capes would be great. I made him a batman and superman cape and mask. He has totally loved them.Jared spent a lot of time on Christmas helping Treyson shoot his new gun. Traxton had to try it out too. Jared is such a good dad. :) My dad and brothers made these diggers for each of the grandsons. They are awesome and the kids are so excited to use them in our sandbox. Dressed for church. We love matching!
Last week Treyson turned six years old. I'm amazed he is that old. Time goes by way too fast. He is such a carefree little boy who loves to wrestle and tease his brother and sister. He truly is so easy to be around. He doesn't care what he wears, what he eats, or what's going on. This is such a contrast from his brother and sister that Jared and I both comment on how nice it is to have a child who doesn't have such strong opinions on everything. As long as he gets something to eat every so often; he's happy.
For his birthday this year we decided to have a little "Polar Express" party. We invited some of his friends to come over in their pj's, made a candy train, played games, went on a train ride and drank hot cocoa. It was such an easy party to prepare for and the kids had a blast. I even heard "this is the best party ever" come out of one of the boy's mouth. :) It was actually really nice for me to enjoy the party and not be stressed out over it. Playing a game of blowing the snowballs off the train track. They were so cute trying to blow the cotton balls. They're ready to go. They all got tickets to ride the train. Ashten was in charge of the decorations and she hung up the cute signs around the yard and house.
We love Treyson so much and are so thankful he is a part of our family. He mellows us out so much and we wouldn't be complete without him.
Our family has a tradition of making gingerbread houses together. It is always so much fun letting our creative outlets run and getting to see what everyone else comes up with. Since the adults get so serious about decorating the houses, my mom decided to let the kids make their own this year. It was so fun for the kids to do exactly what they wanted. I loved watching them design and create a house with so many little details. Ashten had a sandbox and swing, while Treyson had a corral for his animals and a chimney for Santa. Traxton just loved being able to eat his frosting and stick his candy wherever he wanted. Having the kids decorate their own houses was a huge success. They got their fill of decorating and then moved on to watch a movie. This left us able to get serious about decorating our own houses. This year Jared and I decided to create a beach house. We thought it would be fun to get away from the usual snow covered house. It turned out really cute and we had a blast designing it. I'm so glad we have this tradition and I hope we can continue with it for years to come.
Last weekend Ashten had her Christmas dance concert. She doesn't "love" dance because it means she has to get all frilly with the uncomfortable leotard and with her hair done up with bobby pins, but she does a really good job and look super cute. She takes a ballet, jazz, and tap combo class but her favorite is jazz. She likes the upbeat fast pace, but my favorite to watch is ballet. She looks so graceful. Grandma and Grandpa Taylor as well as grandma Bundy came to her recital. I love that they are always so supportive. It makes her feel so special.
Ashten wanted to participate in her school's reflections contest this year. The theme was Diversity Means... We thought about what she could do for a long time. We talked about the word diversity and how it means things that are different. We talked about how people are diverse; big- small, black-white, brown hair- blond hair. We also talked about how people who have glasses and hearing aides. This brought us to Traxton and how he is different. I asked her if being different was bad, and she said "no". (insert sigh of relief) I then asked her if we should treat people differently because they have some quality that makes them different. She said, "no, we should treat them the same." So after our discussion, she decided diversity means loving and accepting those who are different. She wanted to take a picture of Traxton and enter it in the photography category. (This is the picture she took for her entry) Her entry ended up winning 1st place at the school level and has also won at the council level. Now it will go to compete in the region contest and possibly state. I am very excited that her entry has done so well, but more excited and thankful that she is smart enough to understand how everyone is different and how it is so important to love and accept everyone no matter what differences they may have.
Treyson participated in another season of wrestling and did really well. There were a lot more kids involved this year, which made it really fun to watch. He had ten wins and only 5 loses, which was awesome. He really enjoyed wrestling and is already looking forward to more opportunities. We have loved watching and supporting him every week.
I am the wife of a wonderful husband who helps me more than he will ever know and mom of three beautiful kids. I work part time as an x-ray tech at the local hospital, but my favorite job is mom.