Ashten wanted to participate in her school's reflections contest this year. The theme was Diversity Means... We thought about what she could do for a long time. We talked about the word diversity and how it means things that are different. We talked about how people are diverse; big- small, black-white, brown hair- blond hair. We also talked about how people who have glasses and hearing aides. This brought us to Traxton and how he is different. I asked her if being different was bad, and she said "no". (insert sigh of relief) I then asked her if we should treat people differently because they have some quality that makes them different. She said, "no, we should treat them the same." So after our discussion, she decided diversity means loving and accepting those who are different. She wanted to take a picture of Traxton and enter it in the photography category.

(This is the picture she took for her entry)
Her entry ended up winning 1st place at the school level and has also won at the council level. Now it will go to compete in the region contest and possibly state. I am very excited that her entry has done so well, but more excited and thankful that she is smart enough to understand how everyone is different and how it is so important to love and accept everyone no matter what differences they may have.

That is so awesome that her picture did so well. Even better that she is such a sweet girl and loves her brother so much.
That's great that her picture is doing so good.
Yah! Good job Ashten, but I do have to say that I think a lot of the credit goes to the parents. Great Job Mandy! I don't know why, but this post just brought tears to my eyes. I just love kids, they are so honest and loving and innocent. How cute is that little man of yours, well all of them, but the youngest is just so tender to me because of all that he has gone through. I love to read your updates. P.S. Thank you for the Christmas card. Don't ever forget us!!!! Thank you for remembering. I have not gotten around to sending out pictures this year, mostly because we don't have an updated picture of the whole family, but I think I might send one around Valentines Day or New Year's, so don't give upon us. I hope you and your family have a very merry Christmas.
Oh and another thing, I am totally with you about the support from family. It means so much. You have an awesome family. Darling little Ashten in her ballet outfit.
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