Saturday, December 22, 2007
Stomach Ache or Worse?
Yesterday I was on the phone when Ashten came running in telling me to come quick. I followed her into the kitchen to find out that Treyson had tried to feed the fish. Well, he spilled the entire bottle of beta food into the little bowl. There was about an inch worth of food floating on the top and even more that had already sunk to the bottom. Ashten then said that he was going to get a tummy ache. I tried to tell them that hopefully a tummy ache was all that would happen. Luckily Jared came home soon after and since he has kind of adopted the fish, he cleaned the bowl. The beta is still alive today so maybe Ashten was right. He just ended up with a little tummy ache.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Birthday Boy!!!
Today my baby turned two. I can't believe he is that old. Treyson has always been such a good little boy. He is so loving and sensitive. He can get his feelings hurt very easily, but he also loves to snuggle and give me hugs. His favorite thing to do lately is put his arms and legs around my body and say "my mom". I will then say "my Treyson". We go back and forth saying it to each other for a while. I truly love it when he does that. Treyson and Ashten and such good little friends. It was kind of hard for me when he was born and they were so close together in age, but I totally love it now. They are always so happy to see each other and play together. I love it! Happy birthday little man. I love you!!!
Friday, December 7, 2007
Welcome Baby Oaklee!
My little sister had her little girl a couple of days ago. Oaklee Lorraine Leavitt. She was 6lb 8oz and 19 in long. She is so super cute. Ashten was so excited to see her today. I couldn't believe how many questions she had. She wondered if she could talk and when I said no, Ashten asked if she had a mouth. When I said yes, Ashten asked if she had a mouth why couldn't she talk. Ashten held her for a very long time and didn't want to pass her on. She just snuggled and kissed on her for the longest time. It was so cute. We are so excited to have baby Oaklee here with us.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
Since today is thanksgiving I am thinking a lot about what I am thankful for. I just loved Jaesi's peom so I am going to "borrow" her idea. We'll see if it works out as cute.
T is for Treyson. I love him for his energy and his ability to always make me smile and his ginormous hugs.
A is for Ashten. She is my best friend. I love her for being my little secretary who helps plan our days.
Y is for youth. I love the youthful innocence which my kids have and the youth I had many years ago.
L is for loving husband. I love and am so thankful for Jared and his love, support, and help that he gives to me.
O is for occasions. I love all occasions and opportunities to get together with family and friends.
R is for Redeemer. I am thankful for the sacrifice shed for my sake and the love that I have and feel for my Redeemer.
**We had family pictures taken yesterday and got some pretty cute ones for our holiday cards. Now I just have to start making the cards to send out.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
I am quite suprised that we made it through the halloween day. Jared has been in Cedar City for classes the last couple of days so that meant everything was up to me. We probably over-booked our day between all of the places we were supposed to be and the times we were supposed to be there, but somehow we did make it to all of them. I didn't even turn into a crazy lady too bad. All in all we did have a good time. The kids looked really cute. I think all of the time and effort I put into making their costumes was worth it, because they looked good. Even if everyone called Treyson Robin Hood, he was actually Peter Pan, and Ashten a butterfly. She was Tinker Bell.

Ashten and Treyson with my nephews. It was very difficult to get this picture!
We carved pumpkins the night before Halloween and the kids had a blast. This is Ashten's little friend, SaDee with them.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Sorry it has been so long since my last post. I have just kind of taken a break. Now I feel like I have a million things that I could post about. Last weekend we took the kids to the pumkin patch over at Staheli Farm. I was a little disappointed. Last year they didn't charge us to get in, only the cost of the pumkins that we wanted. This time it cost $3 a person to get in and then we had to pay for our pumkins. It cost us about $25 and the pumkin patch was pretty much dead. I definately didn't think it was worth the money. The kids did have a good time for the most part. They got hungry before we were through, so they got a little cranky. We did get some cute pics; which was pretty much what I wanted so I guess
it would be considered a success.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Go Dixie???
Well as I have already told most of you, my little sister plays soccer for Dixie High school. As I sat and cheered during her game last night, it seemed kind of weird to me to feel so much school pride. I went to Pine View; which was a rival to Dixie, but I still felt so much pride for the team I was cheering for. I guess when you sit in the stands and cheer; especially during a state playoff game which last night was, you forget what school you pledged your heart to years ago. My kids even love going to the games and cheering. It is so cute to see them yelling "Go Dally", or "Go Dixie". They beat Cottonwood last night 2 to 1. They play again on Thursday and hopefully they will continue to do good. GO DIXIE and GO #12!!!

Monday, September 24, 2007
Music Anyone?
This morning I was trying to clean my bathrooms and I noticed that Treyson had been downstairs for a long time, so I sent Ashten down to check on him. When neither one of them came back up, I got nervous and decided to go check. This is what I found.
The ipod was blaring "1985", and both Treyson and Ashten were bobbing their heads to the beat. My first response was to take it from them, but instead, I got my camera first. I was so proud of myself. I quess I am becoming a true blogger, because what ran through my mind was, "this will be a cute post". Yeah for me.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
I'm It!!!
Jobs I've Had
1. Babysitting (I pretty much helped raise a few kids)
2. Frostop (During the summer I turned 16)
3. Southwest Internal Med. (I started as a file girl and worked up to doing nurse duties)
4. Dexa scans (for one yr while going through x-ray school)
5. X-ray Tech @ DRMC
Movies I Can Watch Over & Over
1. Sweet Home Alabama
2. All the other ones I can think of are Disney (imagine that)
Favorite Foods
1. Pasta
2. Cafe Rio
3. Mashed Potatoes/Gravy
Places I've Lived
1. St. George ( I've only lived in 3 houses. The one I grew up in, my college apt, and my house now)
Favorite Shows
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. Army Wives
3. CSI (Las Vegas & NY only)
4. Desperate Housewives
5. Burn Notice
Vacation Spots
1. New Jersey Coast
2. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
3. Dallas, Texas
4. NYC
5. Denver, Colorado
6. Alaska
7. Cozumel
8. Belize
9. Costa Maya
1. Scrapbooking
2. Camping
3. 4-wheeling
4. Reading
I tag Brandee, Cari, and Stacy.
1. Babysitting (I pretty much helped raise a few kids)
2. Frostop (During the summer I turned 16)
3. Southwest Internal Med. (I started as a file girl and worked up to doing nurse duties)
4. Dexa scans (for one yr while going through x-ray school)
5. X-ray Tech @ DRMC
Movies I Can Watch Over & Over
1. Sweet Home Alabama
2. All the other ones I can think of are Disney (imagine that)
Favorite Foods
1. Pasta
2. Cafe Rio
3. Mashed Potatoes/Gravy
Places I've Lived
1. St. George ( I've only lived in 3 houses. The one I grew up in, my college apt, and my house now)
Favorite Shows
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. Army Wives
3. CSI (Las Vegas & NY only)
4. Desperate Housewives
5. Burn Notice
Vacation Spots
1. New Jersey Coast
2. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
3. Dallas, Texas
4. NYC
5. Denver, Colorado
6. Alaska
7. Cozumel
8. Belize
9. Costa Maya
1. Scrapbooking
2. Camping
3. 4-wheeling
4. Reading
I tag Brandee, Cari, and Stacy.
Friday, September 14, 2007
363 More Days!!!

Thursday, September 13, 2007
Gary Baby!

As some of you may already know, Gary Allen came to St. George the other night. He is a country singer and I have always liked him, but until the concert I have never loved him. The concert was so good. When he came out, our first thought was that he looked like a little punk rocker. He was wearing tight pants that flared at the bottom with flames and skulls down the leg and a tight t-shirt. He looked sooo cute. I was in love from the moment he came out. To give you some background. They had advertised that the band would be taping footage of the concert for his new airplane song's music video, so people had a lot of signs and stuff to hold up. Jared told me if I made a sign, he would leave me home. Well after the regular show, they opened up the floor for people to come down and crowd the stage. We had pretty good seats along the side, but when I saw people going down I made Jared go with me. He wasn't that thrilled, but I told him I could pretend to be young enough to shake it in front of the stage for one night. We got really close. Close enough to see that he was wearing black swede boots. My high school days of pushing my way through the halls came back, and we got right next to the stage. At one point if I would have jumped up, I could have touched his leg. The thought did cross my mind. I'm not feeling too confident about making the video. There were a few big girls in front of me, so I'm just crossing my fingers. Hopefully I will at least see my arms. I was wearing brown beaded bracelets for anyone interested when the video comes out. Because I didn't take my camera, I didn't get any pics of Gary upclose and personal.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Quarantine List
I feel like there should be a quarantine list posted to our door. I had to work last night, and while I was there Jared called and said he thought Ashten had a ear infection. She had been screaming for a while and complaining about one of her ears. Tylenol helped a little, but I decided he should bring her in to have it looked at while I was there anyways. We didn't want the Tylenol to wear off in the middle of the night, cause then we would have to make an official ER visist instead of the "unofficial" visit we could do with me there. Anyways, Jared brought her in and a PA looked in her ears and gave us a Rx for an antibiotic. When they left me I thought all would be well. Well, when I got home at 12:30, I checked on the kids and found Treyson in bed burning up. He was so hot it was uncomfortable for me to have him next to my chest. I took his temp and it was almost 102. So I gave him some Motrin and rocked him for a while to make sure he started to cool off. He finally did. When I made my way to my own room to climb into bed, I found Jared in a big heap underneath all of the covers. He was dressed in a t-shirt and pj pant, which is not normal for him at all, and said that he was still freazing. I wanted to die. Everyone in my family was sick in one was or another. Well lets just say it was not the best nights sleep of my life. One of my kids woke up pretty much every hour of so, and I wanted to sweat to death. There were so many covers. Now that it is day time everyone seems to be feeling a little better, but I really hope we don't have a repeat performance tonight!!!
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Our Weekend Outing!!!

Sunday, August 19, 2007
County Fair
Jared's grandparents live in Wayne County, UT so we went up there for the weekend to their county fair. You know that it is a small place when it is referred to as the whole county instead of just the town's name. About 10 minutes after we got there, Treyson got bumped in the eye and it instantly turned black and blue. We had to take pics of his first black eye.
We went to the parade with all of the little cousin and had such a good time. Jared told Ashten that if she waved to the people, they would throw candy to her, so she practically was waving the whole time. The only problem was that Ashten hates loud noises, so when the firetrucks went by with their sirens on, she screamed. But through the sreaming she still managed to wave. It was so sad.

I have never been to a parade where the floats went down the street and turned around and came back up, throwing candy the whole time. We got so much. We put the kids on rations, and they still haven't come down from their sugar high.
We had so much fun all weekend. It is so nice to spend time in small towns where time seems to go by so slowly. The kids went on motorcycle rides, ate vegies straight out of the garden, and feed the sheep in the field next to the house. I wouldn't be suprised if the sheep had belly aches from all of the apples that were thrown over the fence to them.

Friday, August 17, 2007
Picture Time Again!!!

Sunday, August 12, 2007
A party for a 3 year old!
My little girl turned three this week, and I'm having kind of a hard time dealing with her being that old. We had a party for her on Sunday night with all of the family. She was really excited for all of her presants, but her favorite was the scooter from grandma and grandpa. Since she has been riding one of the scooters at grandma's house for months, she knew exactly what to do when uncle Bull put it together. Now she keeps it loaded full of everything from papers, DVDs, babies, and snacks, and she doesn't let it get too far from her sight. On Monday we had a little swimming party with some of Ashten's friends. They all had a really good time swimming in the back yard and playing on the slide and swingset. I was glad she had such a good birthday and I am so gratiful that she is my 3 year old!

Friday, August 10, 2007
Summertime Fun
This summer we have done a lot of fun things as a
family. Early in June we went to Hogle Zoo in Salt Lake with the kids. You can't tell by the picture, but they really had a good time. The penguins and monkeys were their favorites.
kids were old enough to really enjoy it, and they really
enjoyed everything about camping and playing in the
dirt for five days. It took a lot of effort for me to let
the kids get dirty and have fun, but by the end I
relaxed and realized that it was inevitable. We had a
really fun time!!
Ashten took swimming lessons this year for the first time and she did awesome. By the end of the two weeks she was going under the water to the bottom diving for rings, floating on her back and belly with assistance, and using her "big arms" to swim around. She had such a good time, and was very proud of herself. :)
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