As some of you may already know, Gary Allen came to St. George the other night. He is a country singer and I have always liked him, but until the concert I have never loved him. The concert was so good. When he came out, our first thought was that he looked like a little punk rocker. He was wearing tight pants that flared at the bottom with flames and skulls down the leg and a tight t-shirt. He looked sooo cute. I was in love from the moment he came out. To give you some background. They had advertised that the band would be taping footage of the concert for his new airplane song's music video, so people had a lot of signs and stuff to hold up. Jared told me if I made a sign, he would leave me home. Well after the regular show, they opened up the floor for people to come down and crowd the stage. We had pretty good seats along the side, but when I saw people going down I made Jared go with me. He wasn't that thrilled, but I told him I could pretend to be young enough to shake it in front of the stage for one night. We got really close. Close enough to see that he was wearing black swede boots. My high school days of pushing my way through the halls came back, and we got right next to the stage. At one point if I would have jumped up, I could have touched his leg. The thought did cross my mind. I'm not feeling too confident about making the video. There were a few big girls in front of me, so I'm just crossing my fingers. Hopefully I will at least see my arms. I was wearing brown beaded bracelets for anyone interested when the video comes out. Because I didn't take my camera, I didn't get any pics of Gary upclose and personal.
I am so glad you had fun! Hopefully you will make the video--I will definitely be watching for you and your bracelets!
youre so funny mandy! For some reason I can totally remember you being kinda pushy through the hall ways! It sounds like you guys had a blast and I will of course be watching for your movie star moment.
silly Mandy...always looking for the spotlight ;) I saw your fam at the rodeo tonight....your mom is sooo cute.
You have probably read my post but I really want you to come to Pine Valley next week....
I am so jealous that you guys got to go.....I had to work :(
I am so jealous that you guys got to go.....I had to work :(
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