This weekend we went up on Kolob mtn camping as a family. We have been wanting to get out of town for a little while, so we were very excited to go. We had a lot of fun just hanging out as a family. The kids loved throwing rocks into the lake. Ashten was so upset that we didn't bring her suit so that she could swim, but Treyson just got too close and fell in. He didn't enjoy the water as much as Ashten thought she would. We even took our dog Heidi on this trip and she seemed so glad to get out of the heat as well. We made smoores by the campfire, but the kids only wanted to eat the marshmellows out of the bag; imagine that! On Saturday we took rides on the 4-wheeler through the little town of Kolob. It was such a cute little town. I wish that I had a second home up there.
Jared took up his little BB gun and he was determined to teach the kids how to shoot it. It was so fun watching them, and they did suprisingly well. After shooting for a while, they starting working on aiming. Treyson was so cute. He put his face next to the gun and closed his eyes. After they would hit the cup with the BB, they would run over to it and check out the damage they did. It was so fun to watch their excitement. We had a lot of fun, and I am so glad we have the opportunity to go camping. Buying a camp-trailor was worth it because of the family time it has created. I am so thankful for my husband and all of the hard work he does to help support our hobbies and the toys we enjoy!
Sooo fun!! We have been on the look out for a camping trailer for a while for that very reason...we figure it will bring a lot of road trips and many family memories! Glad you guys had a great time.
I am the wife of a wonderful husband who helps me more than he will ever know and mom of three beautiful kids. I work part time as an x-ray tech at the local hospital, but my favorite job is mom.
you have such a cute family! and like you guys taught them how to shoot a bb gun! SCARY!
Cute pictures! Looks like such a fun weekend.
Your kids are sooooo dang cute!
Your little guy and my little guy resemble each other dont you think?
I love the gun pics!
We clearly should've coordinated that a little better! It looks like you guys had a blast!
Sooo fun!! We have been on the look out for a camping trailer for a while for that very reason...we figure it will bring a lot of road trips and many family memories! Glad you guys had a great time.
Cute pictures! Looks like you guys had so much fun!
very jealous of the camping trailer. hopefully when we buy a house we will get one. Love the pictures of course you look great even while camping!!
looks like you guys had so much fun!!! I dont know if you can call that "camping":)!!!
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