Since it has been months since I have made a post on our pregnancy, I thought that it would be about time. It is weird to think that I am only weeks away from delivering baby number three. I still have a lot of anxiety, but I think that the excitement has outweighed it. We have stayed strong with my original desire to have the baby's sex be a suprise, but my feelings about that have changed entirely. I wouldn't recommend doing it this way if you are a planner at all. It has been a lot harder than I thought it would be. I am too afraid to buy anything now, so Jared will be having a lot of fun shopping after the baby is born. :) At this point I could still find out but I figure that we have made it this far-why not wait? As for guesses.... I don't really have any. Everyone asks me if I can tell what it is since I have been pregnant with both a boy and a girl. I must not be that in tune with my body, because I have no idea. Jared and Treyson think it's a boy, but Ashten is determined that it will be a girl. I am a little worried about how she will handle things if she is wrong. She is dead set on a girl. The funny thing is that when you ask her why she wants a girl, she will say because she wants bunk-beds. Where that came from I have no idea. This pregnancy has been a lot harder on my body than my first two. I have a lot of pelvic pain that I have never had before. It keeps popping in and out of place. The physical therapist says that it is normal especially after you have had a couple babies. I don't know how people have a bunch of kids. My respect goes out to them. We are counting down the days until this little one decides to come out and we will be able to witness another miracle of life. I will try to keep you posted with the progress.
mandy!!!! you are the cutest prego I know! dang.
Awesome that you only have 24! days left.
soon you will be nursing and blogging at the same time!!! (like me right now)
You're almost there!! You look so cute and I am excited to see this cute baby of yours!
You look great and the time will hopefully fly by! I can't wait to see what you have and am proud of you for holding out on finding out. I hope I will be as strong as you when the time comes...not for awhile though!!
You DO look great, I hope it doesn't drag on too long here at the end. That's really crazy about it being harder on your body, I never even thought about that. Anyway, good luck!
Mandy, I'm glad you commented. I love blogging, you can peek into people's lives and be social while in your pajamas:) You look so great pregnant. I hear it gets a little crazy with 3....2 parents, 2 kids and one kid goes wild:) Kepp blogging, your family is adorable!
You look GREAT! I have been waiting for a prego post! I am so excited for you! I have to say, I kind of wish I was having another one soon...crazy I know! I have some cute diaper bags if you happen to need a new one!
Good for you for holding out on knowing the gender. I want to do that with my next one but my husband says no way. We will see what happens! You look so cute pregnant! I only wish I could look that cute 8 plus months pregnant. UGH!
Mandy you are the cutest, I can't believe you have held out on not knowing...you have more will power than I my friend....anyways, good luck with everything, I love seeing everyones darling additions!
You look great, and after seeing you in a swimming suit, I can say that you look really really great!!!
I am proud of you for staying strong, even though I know it has been frustrating to not be able to get ready! I can't wait for that little one to be here!!!
You should have posted a picture of you in that bikini! Seriously...I am jealous. You look awesome.
I totally agree with you about how much physically harder number three was on my body. The first two felt pretty much the same and I was active the whole time. But with my third pregnancy I was hurting, walking funny, and feeling so old that my body was falling apart. I really don't know how people do it so many times. I kept telling James that this is our last baby because I can't go through that again!
How exciting! I would have loved to not find out what the sex of our last baby was, but my husband HAD to know! Good Luck
You look so great! I wish I looked that good when I was ready to pop!
You look too dang cute! Three kids? I don't think you have enough hands for that. Good luck. But you do have such a darling little family. Bunk beds would be fun! I totally agree
Mandy, you look great and I am so proud of you for holding out on finding out what the sex of the baby is-it's worth it I promise. I'm sure your ready to be done especially with the heat!! Can't wait to here the news when the baby comes. Take care and take it easy your almost there!
Mandy you look great! I hope to atleast look half as good as you do! That is awesome that you have stayed strong through Baby 3. Hopefully time goes by fast for you.
You are so cute pregnant! I love it! Do you have any names picked out yet?
Good luck, I hope you have the baby this weekend befor you have to be started! I think it's a boy!
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