One of our little neighbor girls who is about Ashten's age just learned to ride her bike without training wheels. Since seeing her ride with just two wheels, Ashten decided that she wanted her training wheels off also. Over the weekend Jared gave in to her request and finally took them off. I think she was a little surprised to find out that it was harder than she thought. Jared and Ashten practiced for a while and she did actually really well, but she was starting to get frustrated with not being able to ride on her own so we decided to just put one training wheel back on. This was a trick that a friend had told us that they did when their kids were learning to ride w/o training wheels. Putting the one back on was just what she needed to feel more comfortable. The bike will still tip to the side that's missing the training wheel, but she is learning to just put her leg down to catch herself. Every so often Jared has been changing the one training wheel to the opposite side so that she won't get too comfortable with leaning a certain way. Hopefully if won't be long before sh
e will decide that she is rea
dy to do it on her own.

What a big girl! I was wondering when to start Gabe on learning to ride with no training wheels, maybe this summer we should give it a go!
Not having those training wheels makes her look so grown up! McKendry can't ride her bike in the driveway or road or she would fly down the hill and it would not be good. 15 days to go!! I bet you are so ready. Well if you are working tonight I may see you...hopefully you are or maybe I should say hope you are having your baby tonight...
Wow, no training wheels is big, big, big girl stuff. :) I had never thought of using just one; that's a good idea. I can't believe how close you are to meeting your new baby. Good luck!! (One year ago today, I was in labor, and I have been slightly freaking out all day.)
Wow good job Ashten! Using just one is a good idea, Ty isn't quite there yet though...maybe a few more months of getting used to his bike (his friends all still ride trikes!)Anyways, yay that you only have a little while left, can't wait to see what it is!!!
How fun...She looks so grown up! I can't believe it! I bet you will be glad to be done being pregnant since the heat is starting up. Good luck with that!
That is quite the milestone for such a young girl! I'm very sorry I left work yesterday cause I was excited to see and talk to you. Are you going to work Monday?
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