Traxton had his two month dr. visit yesterday and he weighed in at 11 lbs 5 oz and was 22 3/4 inches long. He has gotten pretty big, which is great. We also found out that he has thrush. Of Course!!! I guess that it is pretty common and not a big deal, but my other kids never got it. Traxton has given us a lot of new experiences. As for his ears... We repeated the ABR a couple of days ago and it showed that they are the same as they were before. That is not good news, since all or at least most of the fluid has drained out. With less fluid in the ears, he should have at least improved with his hearing and he hasn't. After talking to Dr. Marsden yesterday, our plan of action is to go see a pediatric ENT at Primary Children's. He has an appointment in two weeks, so hopefully then we will find out more. They may have to do more tests to find out exactly how severe the hearing loss is. The guidelines say to have hearing aids on before six months old to prevent developmental delays. I do feel a lot better with things than I did last week. At least now I feel like we are being proactive and are working to find out what is wrong and what can be done. I really don't feel as devastated about the likely possibility of hearing aids as I did months ago. I truly believe Heavenly Father knew that I would need some time to accept it, so that is why we have had to wait. I also have fallen in love with my little man and hearing aids or not, I will still love him. I feel a lot of comfort and peace with thoughts of the future for Traxton and I know it has been because all of the prayers from friends and family. Thank you so much for the love and concern. I will try to keep everyone posted with the updates after seeing the specialist.
I can't believe he is already two months old! Time is flying by. He is such a doll and I'm glad that you have an appt at Primaries and hopefully you will get this all figured out. Good luck with everything and I will have to come over tomorrow night at work and say hi!
Hearing or not, he is so cute. good luck with the future appts. I am sure they will help you out.
Mandy I am so sorry to hear about all of this!!! Having a new baby is hard enough......but you are a strong woman, and know that our prayers are with you!!! Tryston had thrush I think like 3 times and Trey had it too.....I HATE IT!!! Good Luck
He is so so so cute. We'll keep you in our prayers with all the testing and things, you're right though, Heavenly Father does know what we need and how to give it to us...
Mandy, you are handling everything so well. You can handle anything that comes your way. You are a very strong person.
I am glad to hear your positive attitude. It will make all the difference no matter what the outcome. I hope you get it all figured out soon.
I was so happy and touched to read your post. You are truly an inspiration on how to deal with trials in your life. I think he is just adorable, I mean look at that face!!!
Good luck with everything. He is a cute little kid, and I know you will be a great support to him no matter what.
I love our little Traxton. He is perfect with hearing or without. You're a great mom!!
Hello. My name is Elizabeth and I am a volunteer with the Cochlear Awareness Network. I would be happy to answer any questions you might have about hearing loss or to help connect you to resources in your area. I would also encourage you to check out the blog I write with my friend Rachel -- she's a college student with profound deafness but she learned to hear and speak with the help of cochlear implants and Auditory-Verbal Therapy. The site is www.cochlearimplantonline.com. Also, Deaf Village (www.deafvillage.com) has lots of great blogs from parents of other D/HOH kiddos.
Please feel free to email me at: elizabeth@deafvillage.com if there is any way I can be of assistance.
God bless you and your son!
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