Today we took Traxton back in for his follow up visit with the ENT. The fluid has drained out and his ears looked clear. We then had to go back over to the audiologist's office to have his hearing tested again. Well, he failed on both sides once again. They don't really know why he is still failing if the fluid has cleared out. We are scheduled to have another auditory brainstem response test done. This was the test that took about an hour and tested different wavelengths entering the ear canal. So basically we don't know anything more than we did when he left the hospital EIGHT weeks ago. I am more frustrated than anything. The audiologist talked about maybe having to just wait until he is about six months old to retest things. Something about the ear canal is flexible in infants and gives a false negative result in determining if there is fluid behind the middle ear. He thinks that maybe there is still fluid that is causing the problems. Honestly, I think that he was just telling me things to get me out of his office. So now we have to make sure our baby is sleep deprived and do the test once again. He actually told me that he wanted to repeat the test for documentation. What does that even mean? I am to the point where I just want to know if my baby has hearing loss or not. I will deal with whatever we are dealt, but I am sick of the waiting.
I'm so sorry for all of your frusterations with Traxton. The waiting game, especially with health care, is the absolute worse game to play. Best of luck with the upcoming test, our prayers are with you guys.
Oh Mandy I can't even imagine how frustrating that must be. It reminds me of people we see at the hospital who don't even care about their diagnosis anymore, they just want answers to why they are sick! Good luck with the tests! Let me know if there is any way I can help...you can even pawn your kids off on me if you need to, or just escape for a girl night out so you can forget about it all for a moment or two!
I feel so bad that you guys have had to go through all this. I can't even imagine what it has been like. Let me know if I can help in any way...I can watch the kids during the test if you need me to. Your family is in our prayers...especially Traxton. We love you guys!
I'm sure it will end up that the Dr. is right about the fluid. Sorry, I'm sure that it has been so stressful for you guys. Good Luck.
I would be going NUTS! I can imagine your mind goes through all the options. I hope little Traxton is fine and that this worry is for nothing. We'll be praying! It's so hard to be patient!
I am sorry you are dealing with this right now. Good luck with everything. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
oh Mandy...frustrating for sure...I think you are amazing for being so patient I think I would be giving a doctor a piece of my frustration. I hope he's okay and that the doc ends up being right...good luck to you and Traxton.
I'm sorry all this is still going on! I just read in a magazine(and I have been meaning to tell you), that when hearing loss/damaged is suspected, that its better to get earlier intervention. I'll have to find the article again for you, although I'm sure you've been doing all sorts of research. This has got to be really frustrating and I'm sorry you're going through it. Let me know of anything I can do!
Oh Mandy, I am so sorry to hear that! I hate when they charge you a ton and don't give any answers. I am sure that they are taking every precaution they can. I hope that the doctor is right about the false tests! Good luck...
Mandy, everything will work out. Just remember your family is in our prayers. we love you.
I'm so sorry for all your frustration. Everything will work out though! Keep us posted!
Hang in there Mandy. I know it is much easier said than done, but just remember that it is out of your control and all you can do is wait. You know you love him no matter what. Just enjoy every moment of this precious stage and try not to let it slip you by due to all of the worries and frustrations. I've been thinking about you a lot. Keep us posted.
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