I know this sounds like it should be the title of a chapter out of a medical book or something, but sadly it was just the title of my day. It was a day from #@%*$!!! It all started out when we were hurring to get out the door to an early appointment for Traxton at the audiologist. He needed to get new ear molds made for his hearing aids, because he has outgrown the ones he wears now. As I was just finishing getting ready, Traxton crawled into the bathroom (yes, he is crawling now) and pulled the still hot curling iron off the counter onto him. It hit him on the head and landed next to him. Before I could grab him he put his arm onto it. I ran it under cold water for a few minutes, but it didn't look too bad so we left. Once we got to the audiologist's office I had him look inside Traxton's ears. He has had a really runny nose and been cranky, so I wanted to make sure they looked okay. Well, they didn't. Because they looked all red and infected, the audiologist didn't want to stick more stuff inside to make the molds. So, we left without ear molds but with an appointment to go see the pediatrician. By this time, Traxton's arm looks awful. The skin is peeled off and red everywhere. The pediatrican confirmed what we thought about him having an ear infection and gave us a cream for his arm and orders to bandage it up.

We had literely been home from the pharmacy no more than five minutes when Ashten and Treyson started running around. I'm sure it had nothing to due with the sugar they had inhaled from all the Dr's office candy. I'm not sure what happened, but the next thing I know Ashten is screaming and holding her head. Once I moved her hand away, I saw a big gapping hole above her eyebrow. It took every ounce of self control I had to not scream. I took my boys over to a neighbor's and headed to the hospital once again. Ten stitches later, we walked out. They had to put three stitches inside the wound and seven on top. She did really well and didn't fight the doctor or tech at all. As I drove home, I wanted to say "what now?", but I am at least smart enough to never say that. Things can always get worse. The bright thing about it all is that I'm hoping tomorrow will be an easier day.