Traxton is just about able to crawl. He will get up on his hands and knees, but the only direction he can go is back. He hasn't figured out how to move forward yet. It makes him pretty frustrated to not be able to move the way he wants. He is rolling all over the place though. I am sometimes amazed to see how far he can get his little body by rolling. I am excited to see him start to be mobile, but I also remember how much more difficult things will be.
Ah! He is the cuuuutest little guy I have ever seen.
Yes, that's totally a bittersweet moment because you're so happy they reached that milestone and can entertain themselves more now, but they're also into EVERYTHING!!!!!
I can't believe how big he looked when I saw him the other day! He's growing up too fast!
You should enter him into a baby contest. HE IS ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!! That would be frustrating to not be able to move in the right direction.
Go traxton Go!! I can't wait for him to starting moving. It will be fun to watch him on the go!
Mandy- he is so cute but am I surpised NO! Because you and Jared have the cutest kids ever I want to eat them. I miss you guys so much!
He is so cute. I don't love it when they start moving around but once they start to get frustrated with things it's just easier if they do.
Such a cutie I just can't get enough of those big blue eyes. He's getting so big. Hope you guys are all feeling better.
That is so fun, but don't kids get harder when they become mobile? They start to get into everything, but I love it. They seem so excited to go explore the world and discover all they are not supposed to discovered. Have fun with that! I miss it.
Holy cow...Traxton has gotten so big! It hasn't been that long since I last saw him. When did that happen? He is going to be crawling...forward in no time!
He is getting so big, I can't believe he is almost a 1 yr old!
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