I am so grateful for the opportunity to be a mother and to have such good kids. Ever since Traxton was born, Ashten and Treyson have been the best older siblings. They have been so excited to learn sign language and they amaze me with the signs they can retain. They are always loving on him and are so willing to help. It is easy to see why he loves them so much in return. For some reason Traxton and Treyson have such an awesome bond. Traxton just adores his big brother. Maybe it is because Treyson is so loving and kind towards him. He takes the time to pay extra attention to his every need. Treyson loves to play with his farm animals and he welcomes Traxton's company. He will even search through his bag to find Traxton an animal without a "pokey" so that he can play and not poke himself on a sharp edge. The other morning I was getting ready and the boys were in their room playing when Treyson came running in saying that Traxton had spit up. Before I had time to turn around he had climbed onto my bed and had grabbed the spit rag. He then bounced onto his bum and onto the floor while yelling "I'm coming bud"! He ran in and cleaned up the spit and continued to talk to him like such a cute little friend. It was a really neat thing for a mom to hear. That same night I put the kids to bed and for some reason they weren't very tired. Traxton and Treyson just kept looking at each other and laughing. I finally had to tell them to quit and go to sleep. I love their little friendship and I just hope that it will continue to grow as they do. I hope that Treyson will always be there to say "I'm coming bud" anytime that Traxton needs him. Especially with the unknown future with his hearing. But then we have all been given that same blessing. We have an older brother who has said the same thing to us. All we have to do is have the trust and faith of a little child to let him. I have known this my whole life, but it seemed to take the example of my three year old to remind me of the simplicity of it all. I love being a mother and am thankful for my kids who constantly help make me a better person.
Wow. You are such a great Mom and your kids learn from your example so this is just a another testament to your greatness!
I got a little misty-eyed reading that! Thanks for the story and testimony.
I also hope that they can stick together and treyson will always be there for traxton. I can't believe how fast he is growing up. that is a way cute picture. Traxton has the biggest smile ever.
That is so sweet Mandy. Everyone wants and needs to know that someone is always there and is willing to help them out. Treyson sounds like such a good big brother.
That is so cool that they are such good friends. Growing up you realize how your siblings really are and should be your best friends. Thanks for your testimony it definitely has strenthend mine Today.
Just so you know I'm crying...
What a good big brother. They are both so cute. I love Traxton's big smile.
You always make me cry reading your posts...in a good way!
I love those boys, and Ashten....well, the whole fam! You're a wonderful mom who has set a great example for your kids!
I'm lucky to be your friend!
That is so cute. I love the bond between siblings. They care so much for each other and really stick up for each other. It is an awesome thing to witness.
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