Over the last few months Traxton has had multiple ear infections. Recently, his ears have just been full of gunk that wouldn't clear up with antibiotics. Because of his hearing loss, the infections made his hearing even worse. We really couldn't afford to have the reoccurring infections impact his long-term hearing, so I pushed to have tubes placed. We felt like this was the best option to clean them out and hopefully prevent any more infections. So on Tuesday morning we went to the hospital at 6 am for his surgery. It was a really basic procedure which literally only took fifteen minutes. He did so well that once we got home and had a nap, you couldn't even tell that anything had even happened. I have also even been able to tell a difference in his hearing. He has been responding better in only the short time since the tubes were placed. He also got his first tooth yesterday. Kind of a big day for our little one.

He was such a happy boy while waiting to be taken to the OR. A little different than when they brought him back.
Wow this poor little guy has been through just about everything. That's awesome he did so well with the surgery and that you can already tell a difference.
He is so cute Mandy! I'm glad everything went well and that it has helped him. I love his cute little smile.
I'm glad that everything went okay and that it was such an easy procedure...though Hudson was a little bummed that Ashten and Treyson didn't come over to play:) Hopefully you won't have to worry about so many ear infections anymore!
I'm so glad that everything went well for Traxton. Thats awesome that his hearing has seemed to improve. Hope everything continues to get better for him.
That camp looks and sounds like a great thing. I am glad his surgery went well and I hope he will continue to improve. You are such a great mommy!
What a cute little guy. Those pictures are way cute. I am glad that everything went well.
I love the pics! I'm so happy that you're noticing a difference alreaady! Jack was the same way with how happy he acted the rest of the day--you could've even tell he had anything done!
Thanks for watching him for me! You're such a great friend and a lifesaver. Max said that when they were leaving he had to say "bye" to everyting, including the tent! He loved every minute of being there with you guys!
He is so dang big! Jace is the worst when it comes to ear aches. He had tubes put in last summer and he still is getting ear aches. Poor child.
So you'll be at the reunion right?? I feel bad we didnt hang out more while i was in SG. Dumb me!
I'm so glad he is doing better with his ears and his hearing! That is so great that he is responding better and everything. He is sooo cute! I can't believe he is almost a year old!
He IS so happy in these pictures! He is such a cute little man! I want to squeeze him!
I'm so glad things are better already with his hearing...good move!
He finally got his first tooth! That is so exciting. I can't believe he was still that happy on a day he had surgery and got a tooth. What a trooper.
Kids are tough. We have had to get tubes put in twice. Once a year. Gavin is so grumpy after waking up from the Anesthesia. He is screaming. I'm glad in was nice weather for you down in Arizona. Families are great. Also very cute pictures. -Heather
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