We have officially arrived at the stage where Traxton is into everything. He will open and empty anything and everything that he can get his hands on. I am realizing that our house that was once child friendly, needs some work. A lot of our child locks for our cabinets have broken and need to be replaced so that we can contain his messes. Treyson gets so worried when Traxton gets into things. He must be afraid that he will be stuck cleaning it all up. I try to tell him that Traxton is fine and that I will clean up the mess, but still doesn't handle it very well. Besides the messes, Traxton is at such a fun age. He loves to crawl around and follow the kids, or usually me, and make himself part of everything that's going on. He still loves his mom and seems the most happy and content when he is in my arms. Sitting by or on me isn't good enough, he climbs up me until he feels like he is close enough. Sometimes it makes things hard, but I sure love that he wants to still be my little cuddle bug.

Traxton doesn't want to ever miss out on anything, including bedtime stories.
How cute! Boston is still in this stage...I'll be cleaning up a mess in one room as he's making another in the next room! That's funny that Treyson doesn't like him doing it...Hudson is always right there to help Boston!
Manda Panda,
You are a #1 Mom! You are truly amazing with your kids. If I was a mom I would want to be like you. Keep up the good work. I love you.
Aunt Margie
He is such a doll and is growing up so fast!
No matter what sort of mess they make they are still so darn cute! Nothing like a little boy and his momma. I miss that from my oldest boy. Now that he is 5 he seems to be too big to cuddle me. I wish I could go back to those moments with him. My other boy hasn't lost the cuddling yet, thank goodness. Soak up the moment! Darling Family.
I can't even count how many times a day I clean up and put away my tupperware. It is so annoying...but I still love this age! Traxton has gotten so big lately! He is such a darling boy. Before long, we won't even be able to tell who is older between him and Sofie!
I totally had a love-hate relationship with that age too! Jack still goes through phases of emptying out some of our cupboards. His favorite was my cupboard with all the baking ingredients in it. I think I cleaned up that cupboard and put the items back 45 times per day. I probably just should've child-proofed it!!!!
Thanks for playing today! It was lots of fun and Jack serously loves your kids!
I'm glad you like that stage, it drives me crazy! Well maybe every stage does except little newborn baby stage!
He is so cute Mandy. He sure looks like he is pleased with him self in the middle picture. Mason is still in this stage and it drives me crazy some days. Good luck with it.
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