All summer long when people asked me if I was going to have a hard time when Ashten went to kindergarten, I totally said no. I was so excited to get a break with her and Treyson for a few hours. But this morning when I dropped her off at school, I about died. She seemed so young to be left at elementary school. The hardest part was that she really didn't even want me to stick around. A lot of the other kids were clinging to their parent's legs, while she was telling me to leave. I guess I'm glad she feels confident enough to be in a new environment and eager for new challenges, but apparently I wasn't as ready as I thought I would be. This just means that she is officially grown up now; she's not my baby girl anymore. I hope I have taught her and prepared her enough for the big scary world. There's no turning back now!

Wow I can't believe that she has started school already. We don't start until August 31st. That's awesome she wasn't afraid to go. But I'm sure hard for you. She looks go grown up.
I love her cute outfit, that's the only good part about the first day of school! I'm glad she and Gabe were ok with starting school and we were the big wimps!! That's probably how it should be, this way we don't have to force them to go!
Ashten looks so cute going to school. It may seem like everything is changing...but you will quickly realize how much she is still your little girl and how much she still needs you!
Way to go Ashten for not freaking out on your first day. And way to go Mandy for making it that day!!!!
Wow the girls are all growing up too fast. Thats good she is excited to go to school, and don't worry going to school will make her realize how much she appreciates you.
What a big girl for handling it so well! And Ashten too! Ha ha--I'm sure I'll bawl my eyes too when that day finally ever comes for me! I'm just glad I have all of you guys for advice on how to handle these kids!
She does look so adorable and grown up, but she'll always need her Mommy!
It is so hard and it didn't really get easier for the second one. In fact my second one was harder. I knew Ellie was ready to go and I was excited for her but Tess is such a softy I thought she would have a hard time. WE BOTH DID! The good thing Ashten will help the boys when it is their turn. She does look adorable. I just found out a new way to make some hair ribbons and I think when I come down I will have to show you!
Oh...I know how you feel. And you are a great mom, because she was so secure with you leaving. And I don't care what anyone says they will always be our babies, no matter the age. I am probably in denile! I know that you have armed her with the important things...prayer and love and everything else will just fall into place. It is a scary world...I am right there with you on that comment. Take care and wait until Thursday of week 3. That always seems to be the day the kids fall apart.
Love Lisa
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