Last week Ashten turned five and we had a couple of parties for her. On Thursday we took some of her little friends swimming and had a really fun time. They swam and ate pizza and cupcakes. It was so cute to watch them all play around in the water.

Last night we had a family party which was also a lot of fun. Sometimes the parties can get crazy with all the family and cousins in one room, but everyone has a good time. Ashten got a lot of fun stuff and loved being the center of attention. I can't believe she is five years old and will be going to kindergarten this year. She is such a good helper and the best big sister ever. We love having her as a part of our family.

They were both really fun parties. I hope Ashten had an awesome birthday!
Happy birthday Ashten. It looks like it was a lot of fun. Jamie wants to have a swimming party too. We will just be doing it in the back yard though. That's fun you had the little boy cousins come too.
Happy Birthday Ashten! She is getting so big I can't believe she is that old.
fun! she is so cute and I can't believe she gets to go to school this year!! Lucky you!
I can't believe that she is five already! We sure had a good time at the parties. Happy birthday Ashten...we love you!!!
I can't belive my little Ashten is 5! She looks adorable! Happy Birthday Ashten! We do need to go camping just let me know when. I don't ever want to forget you and all your cute kids....
She is getting so big and she is so pretty with her tan little skin like you and Dally. Wow your little girl is going to kindergarten!
What a great looking placemat that is! Happy birthday Ashten
Hi thanks for postinng this
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