The other day we went to our first official school function. Ashten's school was doing a dance performance for family members as a fundraiser for playground covers. We bought pizza with our tickets and put the remainder in the raffle hoping to win the big prize. Ashten really wanted to win the helicopter ride, but was only disappointed for a minute since she won movie passes instead.
Seeing all the little kids sing and dance was so fun and Ashten did a really good job. The kindergarten kids did the hamster dance so we got to paint whiskers on her face. She was the cutest little hamster ever.

The boys enjoyed eating the popcorn more than watching Ashten's performance. Traxton ate as much as Treyson did. Look at him with his whole arm in the bag.
You are too young to have a child do school activites! She does make quite a cute hamster, though!
Thanks for always bailing me out and helping me! You're the best friend anyone could ask for!
Cute pictures of your family. It looks like everyone had fun.
What a cute hamster! Ashten is so adorable! Looks like tons of fun!
The picture of Traxton with his hand in the bag is too cute. It looks like it was a lot of fun for everyone.
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