One day it all changed. Our sweet little Traxton gained control of his little arms just enough to reach up to his ears, pull off the aids, and either put them in his mouth or throw them across the room. I would either dry them off or find them from their new location and place them back in his ears. This was literally repeated hundreds of times a day. We found ourselves so anxious to put him to bed at night because that meant we could have a break from the battle. Sadly, that is exactly what our days were. A battle of wills. I refused to let him win and think that if he tried to pull them off enough times I would give in, so we would go through that routine all day long.
Then it seamed like (many months later) one day he just stopped pulling them out as much. It was such a welcomed relief. He still will pull them out when he is confined somewhere, like in the car seat or highchair. I think he does it out of boredom and for attention. He will also come up to me holding onto one if it fell out so that I can put it back in. I think he is starting to realize that he can hear better with them in.
The only understandable word Traxton will say is Dad. We are really working on trying to get him to say more words. He is very vocal and has always been a little talker, but I have been getting worried and frustrated with him not saying more yet. Yesterday I was at Target and a lady stopped me to ask about his hearing aids. She said she lost her hearing as a child but didn't realize the problem until she was in her twenties. We talked for a few minutes and as she went to leave, she said goodbye to Traxton. He immediately smiled and started jabbering to her. She looked right at me and said "he talks". I told her yes, but not really words. She was shocked. She said most kids will try to talk, but no noise will come out. I really feel like I needed a complete stranger to help keep me in check with everything that I have to be grateful for. We really don't feel like he is any different. He hears most everything that goes on at our house and sometimes I actually forget that he can't hear everything. We are so grateful for this little "challenge" that our family has, but even more grateful for our little boy who is still completely perfect and wouldn't be him without his special ears.
Hearing clearly for the first time! Sep 30, 2008


1 Traxton pretty much spent the whole winter in this hat to prevent him from reaching his ears. He hated it and would get so upset when he couldn't reach under the flaps to pull his ears off.

2. Probably the most painful method. It looks horrible, but it did work for a while. Eventually, he was able to even pull the tape off. Poor kid!

3.The current and most effective method. They are similar to chums for glasses. They slide over the back of his hearing aid and with an elastic cord, hook to a clasp on his shirt. They won't prevent him from pulling the aids off, but if he does, they won't get lost. My anxiety level dropped drastically when we started using these bad boys.
Mandy he is so cute. I can't believe he is getting so old already! and really, tape? Is that humane? (only kidding).
Traxton is such a cutie! I can't believe he is that old already. Mandy, you are an amazing person, and I am so glad that Traxton got to come to your family.
Oh, I love the tape method, lol! We've done the pilot cap and critter clips to keep our little guy's aids on (he's got a moderate loss in both ears). There's another mom I know, and she says she's tried everything but the staple gun (she's just kidding, of course)!
That is crazy it has been a whole year. Time goes by way too fast. He is such a cute little boy. You are right he is still perfect even if he can't hear everything.
It's true that he just wouldn't be Traxton without his ears! I think you guys have done an amazing job with him, I can't imagine how hard it has been...but I can't imagine anyone else being able to handle it any better than you have. We sure love Traxton a lot!!
I just want to tell you guys that you have done amazing at dealing with this trial. Trtaxton is a doll with or without his ears. He is loved!!!
You guys are so awesome and you're a great example to me. I think he's the cutest kid of all time. That's a cool experience you had with the stranger.
Oh man, I love that little guy!!! I love hearing him "talk" and bossing everyone around and ordering people to give him food! Its hilarious and its totally progress! You have handled the whole situation with such a level head and have been such a good mom to try to do everything to help him. He's so lucky to have all of you! We're so glad to have you guys here as our "family!"
Oh, look how cute he is! You're doing a great job with him. My mom called me the other day after she ran into you at the store. She said she was so proud of you and me for handling so well these special blessings that our children came with.
Mandy you are an inspiration! I love this blog so much. You are wonderful in all ways and I totally love and miss you so much. You all look great!
I think he is amazing and totally adorable! You are an inspiration on handling life's little challenges! You are such a great Mom!!!
Wow... loved reading your post. You are such a great mom and it is so amazing that you are doing everything you can to help him. He is SO cute!
It is amazing how I never think of all the little problems that come along with a problem like this until I know someone who goes through it! I would have never thought it would be such a challenge. It is humbling for sure. But I think you have done everything the best way possible! I'm not so sure I could have been so patient or creative! I love the chums that he wears now. Those are such a brillant idea!
I'm so glad for you guys and for Traxton that he can have these hearing aids. What a blessing!!!!
Oh Mandy, he is adorable. You just want to squeeze him. I am so sorry about him and his hearing loss, but it sounds like you have turned it into a positive thing. You are a great mom and your kids are lucky to call you that.
Isn't it amazing how random strangers are sent into our lives to teach and remind us. Love It!!
I hope you don't mind, but I like to visit your blog. I had to laugh(in a good way) hearing your experience with Traxton's aids, as I thought about trying to keep Coy's on, and all the different things you have to keep trying. I know it is no help, but I am still devising different ways to keep Coy's ear safe, and it has been 7 years. Keep smiling! You have a beautiful family.
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