What a crazy few weeks we have had! After posting last we have made considerable progress with Traxton's coordination and balance. It didn't come as quickly as I would have liked, but he is walking again. It seemed like every few days he would get a little more balance and be able to get around more easily. It was a little odd seeing him crawl around everywhere like he was a baby, but I was so grateful when it happened. We didn't have to keep a constant watch on him once he was comfortable with crawling around. He is still a little wobbly and he struggles on uneven ground, but he is walking. More than anything is that this experience has taught me patience. We had to carry him everywhere and give him 100% of our attention or he would try to get up and fall back down. It was such an exhausting time. I even had moments of weakness where I would break down and wonder if he was ever going to get his balance back. I questioned and feared that it would be permanent. Our family prayed constantly for him to get better. This has also been a teaching experience for me to be reminded that our prayers are always heard. Our answers might take longer than we would like, but they are always heard. Obviously, Heavenly Father thought that I needed some more practice with patience.
Traxton's incisions look really good. They are almost completely healed and his hematoma has gone away. His crazy personality is back and he doesn't seem to be bothered too much by his lack of sound. He is doing really well with his signing and most of the time I know what he wants. He also is able to understand when I sign to him. Ironically, we were so worried about him being frustrated with communication, and that hasn't been a problem at all.

We have been so grateful for all of our friends and family who have been here to support and offer help to us. The daily visits and phone calls to check on his progress provided such a strength to me. We are surrounded by so many amazing people.
Now we only have two more weeks until his implant is activated and he can start hearing again. I can't wait to get things started!!!

Traxton playing outside with the hose in his underwear.
it would be a hard thing having to deal with it all- but it sounds like you have beautifully!
yay for hearing! something I take for granted every day of my life.
Yay for this good news. 2 more weeks! woohoo!
I was just wondering how your little man was doing. It's good to know that he is doing so well and that you only have 2 weeks to go. Good luck and I can't wait to read how he does when he gets the hearing aids turned on!
I'm so glad things are working out as well as they are. That's great you only have two more weeks until he can hear again. I wish you all the best of luck. He is such a cute little guy. I love the hose pictures.
I am so glad things are looking up. He seemed like his usual happy self when we saw him. Cute pictures, good luck with the patience thing that is me biggest downfall.
So so glad to hear the good news.
Traxten is such a cute boy...love those pics of hime...can't wait for the next update..hang in there!
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