Thursday afternoon we met with his surgeon to go over all of the pre-op instructions and find out what time his surgery was scheduled for. The appointment was quick and easy and we left with instructions for the next day and prescriptions that needed to be filled before surgery. We were able to swim and play with the kids at our hotel Thursday night with Jared's sister and her kids. Everyone had a really fun time together. Having the surgery so close made me really emotional. I couldn't help but worry about everything that may possibly go wrong. I spent a lot of time crying.
We were told that Traxton would need to be fasting after 7:00 am, so Jared took him down for breakfast at 6:00 (yes he was already awake), then we just hung out for a few hours before we headed for PCMC. Jared's sister had agreed to watch Ashten and Treyson for the day while we would be at the hospital. Originally we were under the assumption that we would have the surgery in the morning and be discharged the same day. Since he wasn't scheduled until 3:00 pm, we were told that we would be staying the night for observation. Thankfully, Jared's sister was more than happy to keep the older kids over night as well.
Once we got to the hospital they told us that the doctor was an hour behind schedule, so instead of us waiting two hours for the surgery we had to wait three. Traxton did so good considering the fact that he hadn't eaten all day. He played in the little toy area with another little boy who was scheduled for a surgery as well.

They finally came and took him from us at 4:30. He didn't even cry as he was taken down the hall in the opposite direction from Jared and me. I was crying enough for all of us. We were directed to a waiting room full of parents experiencing the same thing as we were. The OR nurse called around 6:30 to say that they had just finished the first ear and were starting the second side. She said he was doing great and everything was going well. I felt like that phone call was a lifeline to my baby and I didn't want to end the conversation. An hour later the surgeon came out to tell us that everything went well and he was all done.
Seeing Traxton in the recovery room was one of the hardest things I have had to do. He didn't even look like my baby. He had his head wrapped up like a little helmet and he looked so pale. It was heart breaking to see him like that.
Our night in the hospital was awful. Traxton woke up every hour and become combative. When he did this Jared would have to take him from me to settle him down. I couldn't control him when he was kicking and hitting. He also kept getting bloody noses. They said the oxygen he had during surgery probably just dried out his nose and was making it bleed. In addition to his nose bleeding, one side of his head kept bleeding through his bandages. We had to add more bandages to his head throughout the night. As if all this wasn't fun enough; Traxton threw up multiple times in the night. I'm pretty sure none of us got very much sleep.
Saturday morning Traxton started to do a little better. He was given some anti nausea medicine and that helped a lot. He was able to start drinking some juice and eating crackers. After a few hours the resident came in and removed his bandages and said everything looked good and we were free to leave whenever we felt ready.

Normally, I am very anxious to leave the hospital and go home but I didn't want to leave until we were sure Traxton felt well enough to make the drive home.

We loaded up our stuff and headed to pick up Ashten and Treyson around noon. Traxton seemed to be feeling better, however, he was really wobbly. He actually couldn't even hold his head up without it bobbing all over. We were a little worried about the drive home, but he did really well. He slept most of the way and didn't seem bothered by things when he was awake.
Now that we are home, we are dealing with things that we weren't prepared to deal with. Traxton completely lost his balance. The first few days we have felt like we had a newborn again. We literally had to hold his head when we held him, otherwise it would flop around. He has slowly regained some of his balance. He can now sit up unassisted and crawl around, but he is nowhere near walking yet. I feel like we hit the rewind button and am back to being excited and anticipating the milestones of a baby. I think I am more excited for him to start walking now compared to how I was when he started the first time. The hardest part about his loss of balance is that he thinks he should be fine. He remembers that he could walk and climb so he tries to do it now, only to fall on his face. I can't just leave him on the floor like I did when he was a newborn because he will try to stand up and walk around. Someone has to constantly be right next to him making sure he doesn't hit his head.
Besides his lack of balance, I have been a little concerned with one of his incision sites. It has been pretty swollen, so I called the surgeon and he suggested we take him in to be seen by someone. I took him in to our ENT yesterday and we were told that he has a hematoma, which is a collection of blood under the surface. It's not very big so they want to just keep an eye on it, but if it continues to get bigger we will have to have it drained. I feel like my anxiety level is constantly through the roof. The older kids make me nervous when they are around him, because I'm afraid they might bump into him and hurt his head. I'm hoping once the swelling goes away and the incisions heal up a little bit I'll relax. I think everyone is hoping the same thing.
Overall, I think Traxton is doing pretty good considering everything that he has gone through. Hopefully in the next few days he will continue to make progress with the healing and his balance. I am very anxious to get my crazy, fun loving, little terror back.
Oh Mandy! I am so sorry! This is heartwrenching for any mother to watch their baby in the hospital. And that's a very complicated surgery! You are amazing and strong, and this too shall pass. I hope the best for you and we will keep him in our prayers. Good luck
Oh the poor little guy! I hope things start getting better for all of you guys and that he gets feeling better soon.
I am so happy to see this update from you! I have been thinking about you guys so much over these past few days! I am so glad to read that everything with surgery went well. I freaked out when Jace had to get tubes. I can't imagine having a child go in for a surgery like that! We will continue to hope and pray for a speedy recovery!
I am so happy to see this update from you! I have been thinking about you guys so much over these past few days! I am so glad to read that everything with surgery went well. I freaked out when Jace had to get tubes. I can't imagine having a child go in for a surgery like that! We will continue to hope and pray for a speedy recovery!
I am so happy to see this update from you! I have been thinking about you guys so much over these past few days! I am so glad to read that everything with surgery went well. I freaked out when Jace had to get tubes. I can't imagine having a child go in for a surgery like that! We will continue to hope and pray for a speedy recovery!
Apparently I pushed the button two too many times. Ha!
Wow thanks for the update. I'm so sorry you guys have had so many unexpected things happen. I hate that. I hope all goes well for you guys over the next few weeks. Keep us posted.
What a tough little guy you have! We will keep you guys in our prayers and hopefully everything will get better and this will all be a distant memory soon!
we love you and look up to you for how strong you are, and we love traxton so much.. mom and dad
Oh man, I know all those feelings you had of watching your tiny little one go into surgery. It really is scary when they are all pale and kind of plastic-y and coming out of sad. I hope the recovery continues okay, I was quite surprised and fascinated at what he is going through. I am surprised the doctors wouldn't prepare you for that, it seems pretty important to know! How soon do they think he might start hearing again? I think you mentioned it once, but I must have forgotten.
ok, just scrolled down and saw the part about "won't be activated for one month." That's hard too. good luck with everything.
Wow what a story I am so sorry you are having to go through all this. It is so sad to see him in the hospital and for him to be frustrated at home. I hope things get better. We love you guys let me know if you ever need anything.
Mandy I would have been the same way. Cry! Cry! Cry! That is what us mothers do when things happen to our kids. I am sure everything will get back to normal soon. It will be awesome when everything is finished and your little one can hear. We love you guys and pray everything will go smooth from here on out.
Oh my goodness. That first part just about broke my heart as I was reading it. I was crying as if it were my own child. I am so sorry that you and Traxton had to go through that, but I am glad that things will be better. Thank you for updating about the surgery I have been thinking about you guys and hoping it went well. You are a strong little momma and Traxton is lucky to have you and Jared. I can only imagine the kind of anxiety that you are experiencing. I am anxious on a daily basis without anything like what you have experienced. I am glad for Traxton and wish the best for your family. Good luck.
the best part about this whole thing is Traxton wont ever remember any of it.
what a cutie patootie.
p.s. i like the sound of summer and trumbull :) :) ;)
I am so glad that the surgery is over and things are slowly looking up. This little guy is amazing..he has been through so much. So glad for the update. Mandy you are so strong..I hope everything continues to go well!
Stephanie Goble
Oh man, that is tough to go through! Those pictures of him sad are so sad! I'm so glad he qualified for the surgery though. Hope things continue to get better and he has the results you were hoping for!
Mandy! I'm so happy everything went well with the implant and Traxton's recovering. I was thrilled to hear that he was getting the implant! What an amazing blessing. I've just been thinking about your little guy and wanted to let you know. Hope everything is going well. You have a darling little family!
Oh Mandy! What a rough time. I sure hope he is recovering quickly and that the surgery will be a HUGE success! I sure think about you a lot. You are one amazing, strong mama. All of your children are so blessed to have you. Can't wait to hear the next update. Please let me know if you need anything at all. I am happy to take your kiddos anytime. :)
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