Today was another rough day for me. For some reason I couldn't stop crying. Traxton and I went to sacrament meeting here at the hospital, and I think everyone was wondering what was wrong with me. I think being here for a week has really started to wear on me and having Jared leave was a lot harder than I thought it would be. He always holds me together. Every time I start to struggle and ask why we have to deal with one thing or another, he simply says, "because we can". He always helps put things into perspective.
Traxton is getting irritable with being here too. He has turned into a little diva. He won't do anything by himself and quite likes being waited on. I can't wait to fix that one when we get home. He has gotten a lot better with the nurses. He doesn't cry when they take his vitals anymore, but he still doesn't like when the IV is started. The only thing that makes it easier for him is the warm packs. We spend most of our time walking the halls and playing in the playrooms. Even that is getting a little old for both of us. I really hope this is our last night. I love my little man, but I am getting quite sick of being kicked in the back all night.

I can't even imagine what a long week it's been for you guys! We hope you can come home soon!!
My prayers and thought are with you both. Love, Aunt Margie
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