We've found out recently how serious Traxton's condition was and how lucky we were to have caught it so fast. Cultures had started to grow in his blood and he was starting to become septic. This means that the infection was on its way to becoming wide spread. If this would have happened he would have had to get his implant removed. We have been told over and over how close he was to being a really sick little boy.
Traxton has been a trooper during this ordeal. He hates when the nurses come in and he cries the whole time they take his vitals. He also hates when they have to hook up his IV. The only thing that makes him feel better is covering the IV site with a heating pad. He will lay really still and keep the heating pad on his arm long after it has gotten cold. The nurses are so nice and keep a box of heating pads on the counter for him.
This place is AMAZING!!! The nurses, techs, and volunteers are constantly checking on us and making sure that we don't need anything. They have brought Traxton coloring books, play dough, and a huge train set. He also has endless amount of choices for food and snacks with only a phone call. Yesterday I ordered him some chicken nuggets and asked if they had any ranch. The guy said, "mam, this is a children's hospital; we get ranch by the bucket full." They really know how to take care of little ones.

I was sad to read about him crying with the nurses. It just doesn't seem right for him to have to go through so much. Good look with it all! Know that you all are in our thoughts and prayers.
I love the train picture. He looks so happy with it.
That is so scary that he was almost septic! I'm so glad he's doing better and hoping you get to go home tomorrow. That ranch dressing comment was pretty funny.
O my goodness! I didn't know any of this was going on! Poor little guy! Glad to hear he is doing better. Hope you can come home soon. Let us know if ya need anything!
Oh that is so scary, I'm glad you tuned in and got him help. I am soooo happy to hear he is doing better. We will continue to pray for his speedy recovery. He seems like a trooper.
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