We got to host our family Christmas Eve party at our house this year, and we all had a really good time. It was a little crazy at times with all the kids. Every year it seems to just get noisier. We even got a surprise call from my brother who's in Argentina. I just hope it didn't make him too homesick to hear all the celebrations going on without him.

The kids getting rides from Grandpa.

All the kids in their new jammies!
I was too anxious to wait for my kids to wake up on their own so I had to get them up at about 7:30. Jared wanted to wait until later, especially since we were up in the night cleaning throw-up out of the carpet. Ashten had some sort of a bug. The kids were so fun to open presents with. Treyson busted through his and was ready to play, while Ashten opened a few and then she would stop to "take a break". I guess next year Santa will have to bring less. Jared's parents came over to see the kids and their presents before we headed over to my parent's house for breakfast and more presents. We spent the day at my parent's visiting and playing a lot of Wii. It was a really fun day and the kids did really well handling all the excitement.

Ashten got her barbies from Santa.

Treyson on his new bike.

Traxton "enjoying" his new stuff.
The rest of our weekend was spent with more family during a reunion with my grandma's family from back east and at my cousins wedding. We had tons of fun, but it is also really nice to have it over with. My kids need a couple of days to recover and get back to our schedule, and so do I.