Monday, April 16, 2012

Goofy Golfers

The kids had a day off school so we decided to use our free passes to Fiesta Fun. The wind was blowing and it was a little cold, but we still had a lot of fun. Golfing is definitely not our "thing" so we let the kids mess around and do whatever was needed to get their ball into the hole. It was quite comical for Jared and I to watch them hit the ball 30 times and then get really excited when it finally went in.

We also let the kids ride the go-carts. Because the kids were too short they had to ride the mini go-carts. They went so slow that Jared had to push them along. I thought Ashten was going to scream. She was so mad that her car was going so slow. She kept saying that she could walk faster. I'm pretty sure she could have too.

I love when we get time to spend together as a family and do fun little activities.

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